[B]Raphael:[/b] Raphael glanced around to see if she missed where any clothes could have been placed. Giving the door another look over, she noticed a pile of clothes she didn't noticed before until she took a closer look. It unnerved her no one just walked inside yet, but all she wanted to do is to get dress before something like that happened. She quickly grabbed a towel that she managed to find and dried off before she got dressed. It didn't occur to her that she hasn't really seen anybody else, but it will give her some time to look around without someone telling her not to do this or that. Walking out of the bath Raphael walked through the hallways to get herself familiar with the layout of the house. It wasn't to know where she could possibly escape, more so that she won't get lost all the time. "Everyone else must be doing something somewhere....or something or other. " She muttered as she peeked through a door she just opened. [B]Azuriel:[/b] "Well she's not that hard to miss. She carries herself like she isn't a young woman, but a young man instead...A young man that has long black hair that stops at around his waist. We look nothing alike." Azuriel said as he messed around with the apple core he had before he put it down on the counter. The thought of being able to see his sister made talking more appealing that it normally would have been. It would have been him more defensive about talking about his family, but right now its on a different level. "She's quiet as a mouse and a quick learner if she has to be. Well you have to be when you have almost every predator in the forest potentially coming after you. Also when she doesn't want to be found, then she won't be found." He gave a shrug when he grabbed another strawberry to eat.