Ming-hua really was just minding her own business. She had heard of the zombie threat, yes, but she had believed it to be of little importance to her; something only for [i]laowai[/i]. Her? All she really wanted to do was to go to school like normal and then spend her afternoon training like she usually did. Why did the world have to be so cruel as to change her comfortable life? What kind of deity did she anger? It was because she tried to head to school like normal that she found herself right in the middle of a riot, one of the many that had sprung up in fear of the zombie horde. Unfortunately for her, she was also an outsider apparently - the mob had a great "with us or against us" mentality, and seeing as she wasn't panicking and crying that the world was going to end in a zombie apocalypse she found herself being seen as "against" the mob. Great. As such, it was in this situation she found herself cornered on the street, holding her favoured weapon - a staff - with at least fifteen unconscious rioters with a large lump on their heads lying on a heap on the ground around her while the mob continued their yelling, chanting and mayhem.