Adris wandered a field. He was trying to find a monster to fight, of which this field he deemed empty. He sighed and walked into the nearby forest, which he would usually hunt at to level and gain new familiars. He had already leveled his familiar cat so much that it was better than the best creature of this forest, and they were getting too low-level for him to gain any experience. He frowned as he cut straight through multiple level two creatures. He climbed up a tree, and saw the mountains. He was afraid to go to them, he didn't think he was leveld enough. But he knew he didn't have a choice, he needed to find some real monsters. He ran out of the forest and towards the mountains. When he arrived, there were monsters all about, not noticing him yet. He noticed they ranged from level 15 to 30, perfect for him. he swiftly ran stealthily, and made his cat sneak attack the nearest monsters, alerting the others. They all fought him and he cat vigorously, but after a few minuets, they all were dead, and he had leveled up to level 31. He smiled and layed down on the ground, and pet his cat. He left the mountains and head away from them, just exploring the lands. As Adris was exploring, he saw a girl, whom looked tired, in the distance. He hadn't seen anyone in a while, so he thought it would be a good idea to go say hi. He walked over to where she was. "Hi, I'm Adris." he said, introducing himself, his cat following behind him.