Jeffery was sprinting after his target, the man he chased was a member of a murder guild, one of the horrible wretches who thought they were worthy of taking an innocent life. In Jeffery's mind no one was worthy of that, to him an innocent life is worth saving, while a tainted one, like a murder guilds members, was worth taking. As he caught up to the man Jeffery pulled his dagger out and let a psychotic smile form, he proceeded to pounce on the man putting his dagger in the mans back. He turned the man over and put his hand over his mouth and said three simple words that put fear in the mans heart, "go to sleep." the man screamed but was muffled by Jeffery's hand, he also attempted to break Jeffrey's grip but to no avail. Jeffery stabbed the dagger through the heart of his target and laughed after he died, "one more wretched soul is gone." he then saw two other people in the distance. A man with a cat and a woman, he decided to approach and judge their character but he approached at a slow cautious pace in case they saw what he did to his target.