Karou almost jumped out of her skin as a high-pitched scream split the air. She jerked her head around, worried that someone may be hurt. She spotted a girl and immediately knew she was a witch. She thought about approuching but there were two people already over there and she didn't want to crowd. So she turned and continued on her way. Issa sighed and figured she better get inside. She stood to her feet but then gasped when her knees wobbled before giving out on her, causing her to land back on the ground with a small squeak. Eyes wide, she stared down at her legs before it dawned on her that she must have been outside longer than she thought. She quickly scrambled back onto her feet but the world spun this way and that and she stumbled as though she was on a ship being tossed at sea. [i]No..someone..help..[/i] She desperately flung the thought outwards as she crumpled to the ground, trying to blink the black spots from her vision.