Gideon walked into Echo's place of business and took note of the signs. He knew them pretty much by heart (or photographic memory stored in his brain implant databank) after his visits to get upgrades and repairs. He glanced at his hand and checked the damage again, smirking a bit. It hadn't been his own weapon that had damaged him but another so Echo's assumption was a bit off target. He walked through the corridors and approached Echo. "Hey again, Echo. I seem to have gotten my arm a bit wrecked" He told her and presented his hand to her. The barrel chamber that would extend out of his palm was wrecked and so was the rest of the palm. The center of his palm was torn open and mechanism was showing. If it had been something more than just simple shotgun pellet rounds. If it had been a slug or flechette round, he would've completely lost the hand. "And no, it's not from my gun. That thing has worked fine ever since I had it installed" He added.