Ash paused for a moment, "Nah, I've got a better idea." Ash exited the Leaky Faucet as he began browsing the selection of cars in the parking lot. He pointed his metal finger at the various cars that were parked there. There were many types, from sports cars, to many old junkers. Ash walked through the parking lot. "No, no, no, no..." Ash paused for a moment as he stared at an van. It had a sleek frame and body, but most of its paint was worn off. Ash grinned ear to ear, as his left eye emitted a quick flash. Ash pointed his metallic arm at the van, as the back of its palm opened up with a loud hiss. He glanced at the holograms being produced by the screen displayed, as his left eye glowed a bit.[url=]"YAAAAAAAAAY! I want this one. I'm going to hack into it, and steal it! FOR ANARCHY!"[/url]