[center] [b]Name: [/b] Kucing (means cat) [i]Previously she had no name but this was the name the king gave his ‘pet’.[/i] [b]Age: [/b] Her clan don’t measure time, she is between 20 and 23 years of age though. [b]Transformation: [/b] Human. To her, her normal form is that of her beast and so it is the human form she deems her transformation, [b]Appearance (while human): [/b] [img=http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/703837249_1/-Hot-Selling-China-Post-Free-Shipping-Belly-Dance-Top-Grade-Set-Bra-Skirt-Costume-Set.jpg] [b]Appearance (while animal):[/b] [img=https://apenvirotuttle.wikispaces.com/file/view/stephen-oachs-pic-of-the-year-20082.jpg/94939480/stephen-oachs-pic-of-the-year-20082.jpg] [b]Personality: [/b] The wild tribe she grew up with valued honesty above all else, they had no need for ego soothing or flattery and so she can come off as rather cold, crass and rude at times. She is not afraid to say what she sees, the good or the bad and is hardly put out by the idea of being confronted in the same manner. She doesn’t understand a lot of human interaction and conventions having done away with them for so long but she is a curious cat and quick to learn. She can be incredibly loyal to people she allows close to her but it is hard to get close to her due to her natural demeanour, she can be affectionate and gentle in her own way but can seem heavy handed and rough a lot of the time. [b]History: [/b] She lived in a small tribe that roamed the tundra forests of Bryn, her family was her tribe and her tribe was her family. It was a simple and ‘better’ way of life. They hunted for food which they then shared, they kept one another safe during the day and moved at night leaving none behind. They had no need for money or jewels, only each other and rarely were their fights over anything aside mating rights and status and always resolved with the tribe a whole once again. Much like those indigenous people’s of Earth, only instead of clinging to their human husks this tribe embraced their beast. Rare was it that one of their tribe ever turned into a human and only then during times of great crisis, like poachers or travelling strangers who would only be warded away by another human. However disaster often came in the winter months of Bryn in the forms of avalanches that toppled trees, crushing dens and scaring away food. One such avalanche occurred after a heavy snow fall and decimated the forest, the tribe forced to scatter to avoid falling tree limbs and ripped up roots. Then came the hunters, neither was anything new, the pack often faced being split up only to scent find each other in the following days. This time was different though, she ran wide, deeper into the forest, so sure of herself she forgot to check where her paws fell, oblivious to the fresh snow that lay over a trap that caught her paws and caused her to trip and tumble, tangling herself in a fine net that she gnashed her teeth and snarled at. The more she struggled though the more caught up she became until she was thoroughly exhausted, then the people came and she felt a prick to her rear, spinning around she lashed at the offending hand, catching glove and flesh alike and ripping a wonderful tear in both with her sharp claws. Then everything went rather dark and she felt sleepy, despite trying to fight it she was sure she had fallen asleep, the cold snow was replaced by something solid and equally cold and voices fluttered to her in her unconscious state. “She will do nicely…” A woman’s voice said, “Are we really going to send this?” A man’s voice uttered nervously, then there was the sound of the human’s strange contraptions, pulled by dogs, at some point she thought she heard water and when she awoke her cold white snow had been replaced with odd smells and more green and brown than she’d ever seen, she hissed and snarled but no one paid her any mind. She was being taken towards a large human dwelling, the streets lined with people watching as she was hauled through the city and while others too followed behind with odd and shiny things. Someone had said it was a celebration, whatever that word meant and another the King’s birthday both words confusing her so she focused on the smells instead. Her stomach growled and she felt a hunger hit her like a wave for the first time since her awakening. It seemed not to matter how much she growled, no food was produced and she was taken inside the human dwelling and placed at the feet of some strange man she’d never seen before. He looked over all the things the human people had bought in and looked at them as she might have a snow rabbit. When he stopped by her cage the human person that had bought her announced, “A snow Leopard from King Maxen and Queen Meiriona.” “I’ve heard of them, they’re considered rather exquisite are they not?” The human man looking at her said, she didn’t like his eyes, they were like those of a male who wished to mate. She dropped her head and snarled but the man only made a strange throaty noise and she stopped from surprise. More words were spoken but she was too confused to pay attention. Soon she was lifted by new people and carried off to another part of the dwelling. There she was left with an armful of fish and a bowl of clean water until the sun had already began to set. The fish had not lasted long as the strange man announced as soon as he entered the room, then he spoke one word which seemed to have important meaning, “Kucing.” Her ears flickered and for a moment she forgot to be afraid. He spent the evening speaking strange words and gesturing wildly with what seemed to be excitement. Eventually the man yawned, stripped down and lay down on a strange, soft thing that reminded her faintly of snow in the way it tried to swallow the man. When all had stilled she shifted, changing form until she could slip out a hand and reach for the latch, unlocking the cage door which swung open as silently as she, who was now padding soundlessly across the room to where the bed and the man lay. Carefully, one foot at a time she mounted the strange not-snow and crept closer to the man, crouching above his chest and tilting her head as she observed how weak his senses were. ‘He’d die in a day.’ She idly thought to herself, the human turned and she bit back a hiss as one hand rose, black claws tipping each finger. Nothing happened though, she watched silently a moment longer and had wrist grabbed and mouth covered as she was pulled from the bed and out the door by a human who called himself ‘Avalon’. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses: [/b] + Is a good climber and jumper. +Is agile and flexible +Can dance +Can move silently/stalk/hunt. +Night Vision -Can’t stand fire, prone to flight response when close to a lot of it. -Bright lights dazzle/confuse her. -Doesn’t understand treachery/betrayal so is easily lead astray. - [b]Other: [/b] +Loves the colour yellow, fish (especially salmon), cuddling up to people when its cold and shiny jewellery. +Dislikes the colour red, goat and horse meat, lies (she can usually work out a liar given enough time), guns and weapons. + Catnip can/does get her high, she’s allergic to milk, cheese etc but doesn’t know it and chocolate, cocoa has an adverse reaction with her. [/center]