[center] [b]Name: [/b] Empie. [b]Age: [/b] 21 [b]Transformation: [/b] Empusa, [i]Form of spectre/tormenting demon.[/i] [b]Appearance (while human): [/b] [hider= Eyes] [img=http://25.media.tumblr.com/d0b474af87fc4724f99981073607993c/tumblr_mlggrzLCEL1rj9zaho2_500.jpg] [/hider] [img=http://www.short-haircut.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/short-haircuts-for-white-hair.jpg] [b]Appearance (transformed):[/b] [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090902204458/megamitensei/images/2/22/Empusa.jpg] [b]Personality: [/b] Empie is sarcastic, quick witted and out for herself. She’s quick to mention it’s not personal but hey, to her, her survival is worth more than your life. She’s devious, mischievous but its undeniable she’s a lot of fun and can make a person smile despite themselves. She is solely survival driven though and will play the sides when necessary just to keep out of the line of fire. She’s money orientated, or anything pretty and sparkly for that matter, while it might seem she’s hard to trust, give her a good reason to stay loyal and she will. She may even come to see you as a friend and share her sparklies with you. [b]History: [/b] It’s just another story of a poor sad street rat, no parents, no money and only herself to rely on. She had a name once, a real one, Carlotta Sands, she had parents too, well, she probably still does not that they want anything to do with her of course. It seems people take it personally when their daughters turn out to be lion handed, horse footed, covered in scales with a scream that can make people nauseous. She lived a rather happy life for a while, same as any other human child, she played in the streets, ate all the things she shouldn’t but Carlotta was always different. The kids knew it and deep down she thought her parents did too, then she hit puberty and her eyes changed. Her mother screamed, she got scared and she screamed too. Her mother threw up on the table and her father ran from the room screaming monster! It wasn’t until Carlotta ran to her room and looked into her looking glass that she saw what they meant. Eyes the colour of blood, face as pale as a ghosts, her hair had gone from dark blonde to pure white and her body, that that she could see, was covered in sapphire hued scales. What on earth was she? Eventually her father came and chased her out the house with a knife and with her head covered she ran into the streets with only her mother’s sobbing ringing in her ears. Sneaking into the library she read through a book of monsters and magical beings and found an image a lot like hers. With a quick glance she tore out the page and fled until she could read it in the peace and quiet of the allies. She was an Empusa, which was more or less all the help the page gave her, it was enough though, so she changed her name to Empie and decided to embrace the new her. The first year was heard, people screamed and she had little control over her transformations when afraid, so she stuck to shadows and swiped the odd bit of food. She realised early on her eyes were never going to change back to the natural purple hue her parents had loved, nor was her white hair ever going to go back to the sandy blonde, still she liked her new look well enough. Finding a rather pretty cloth she wrapped her eyes so none would see them, it worked pretty well and she was somehow still able to see, well sort of. She became ‘Empie the Beggar’ and people took pity on the young woman offering her food and sometimes clothing. One particular lord took her ‘home’ so that he could pay her for sex and when he had passed out she swiped some of his jewels and left without disturbing him. Some would say it was sorrowful but Empie felt free, she was not restricted by laws and the entire city had become her playground. There were times it felt as if it were not worth it, attacks on beggars or the occasional disappearance but most of the time it was sun and sky as far as her arms could reach. With an itch to wander –and having pushed the city as far as she could go- Empie hitched rides across the country, leaving behind the desert home for wherever the carts took her. After over a year of wandering she came to the Kingdom of Gandryll and took to the streets once more as a beggar. Her grabby hands though got the attention of a man however, someone named ‘Avalon’ who sent her a letter to meet him at the palace. It seemed safe enough, especially since she could shift and run away before the humans could gather their wits so she went along. Could be fun, right? [b]Strengths and Weaknesses: [/b] + Surprisingly strong. + Can sniff out lies like a blood hound follows a scent. + Heat vision (senses the body temperatures of nearby people even if she can’t see them). + Can emit an ear aching high pitched scream that can confuse/discombobulate. + Can be ever so charming. + Fast. -Has to keep her eyes covered in human society, they’re constantly block red like two rubies. - Sometimes is over confident and gets herself in sticky situations. - Can’t swim. -Can be quite vain so prone to falling for flattery. [b]Other: [/b] +Loves the smell of cakes, likes diamonds and sapphires, having fun, playing pranks. + Hates cheap metals, the smell of cooking horse, stingy people, stuck up people. + Plays a beggar during the day, robs houses at night. + Never takes off her neck collar (pictured above). [/center]