Things were escalating quickly. The tall one smashed the table. Several people among the pizza-goers leaped into action. Even Violet, the girl he had just met, leaped into the fray with a combat stance. He was briefly distracted with the thought of learning human martial arts before he snapped back to the present. "Excellent idea Violet. Fear not, citizens!" Rumble called as he stood up on the table, "I shall defend you from this threat!" Rumble then pressed a button on his wrist. A large amount of clunking and clanging could be heard as his robot reassembled itself within the confines of the dumpster. Rumble then leaped off of the table and ran outside. Just one moment later Rumble and his mech skid into view outside of the building. He wore his suit in glorious fashion, pointed sunglasses and all. Unfortunately Venator Rex was too wide to fit through the door. And while he could probably bust his way in... he doubted the humans would appreciate the front of their establishment blown open. So he stood at the doorway for a moment in silence. "Uh... so... I'll WAIT OUT HERE. FIEND." He anounced through the mech's speaker system. Then he walked out of the way of the door to patiently wait outside. In the most lame way possible.