[b]Crash Site:[/b] 8 [b]Items Salvaged from Crash Site:[/b] Hardcore mode: Are you a bad enough dude? [list][i]-[u]Religious Texts[/u] | The Holy Books you devoted your life too, once upon a time. Perhaps the tribals can be made to see the “true powers that be”? -[u]Ballistic Armour[/u] | Boxes full of leathery jackets, designed to withstand musket shot and cannon shrapnel. Not very effective against close-combat weapons, but you never know if your countrymen from across the way will bring their guns to a knife fight. -[u]Beast Handlers[/u] | Some of those in your group are trained animal handlers, who either worked for the military or the law enforcement before the evacuation. With their skills, you could put to better use your domestic animals – if you have any. They may also be able to provide some educated insight on the island’s native animal kingdom.[/i][/list][b]Leader’s Name:[/b] Lawrence Goldsmith [b]Leader’s Age:[/b] 32 [b]Leader’s Appearance:[/b] Tan skin, brown eyes and messy brown hair. Stands at about six feet with a subtly muscular, generally average build. His eyes seem scary from time to time... [b]Leader’s Former Occupation:[/b] Doctor...? [b]Leader’s Mentality:[/b] Lawrence is seemingly a hard-working and careful person, although he's actually pretty twisted at heart. [b]Amount of Survivors at Start:[/b] 56 [b]Survivor Group Type:[/b] Quite a collection of people with no particular similarities outside of being refugees and human. A well-rounded and closely-knit group, though, due to how they came together.