Ignasius has been unconscious for several minutes, before he managed to wake up... It had hurt everywhere, he was shot twice in the back, while the man couldn't determine the location of them both, the fact of how painful was it to breathe and made him cough up blood, indicated that his lung was punctured. This was bad for him. He tried to crawl somewhere, but was unable to. The man only smiled weakly when he saw that the dragon hunters were now gone and the dragons were flying away in different directions. He saw some of them having a conversation... At least it looked like a one, even if they were not moving their mouths. Ignasius coughed once again and groaned from pain... Now only hoped that his suffering might end soon.. The old man managed to drag himself another meter, but this was where his strength has ended. Ignasius stopped and carefully breathed, still coughing up blood once in a while. He tried to roll over onto the back, where the arrows where stuck, but he was too weak for that now, so he just laid on his chest, staring and waiting.