[b]Name:[/b] Gideon Tournes [b]Age:[/b] 24 [hider=Transformation][img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2014/013/4/f/eater_of_hope_by_petemohrbacher-d721r3q.jpg[/img][/hider] [hider=Human Appearance] [img]http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/199/a/5/gideon__s_avenger_by_gallegosart_com-d409u1r.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] Gideon is sly-tongued and vigilant in his feverish attempts to better his station in this world. He makes chess-like calculations in nearly everything he does, carefully analyzing every situation with the sharp, social brevity of a soothsayer. Tournes has a treasure trove full of obnoxious witticisms for all types of people; from the uptight conservative highborns of Bryn, to the lowly scallywags of Afon's thieves guild, the young Cavaner prides himself as a venomous social butterfly. [b]History:[/b] He was born on the hot sands of Ofera, abandoned by his mother, who prayed the dunes would claim his life and free him from the hardships of Celyn. But as the young babe would quickly learn early on in life, a cavaner's prayers always fell on deaf ears. By sheer coincidence, a group of marauders were fresh on a hunt, and had scooped up the winged babe into their nets. The pack leader's curiosity had outweighed the growls of his empty stomach. Tournes was taken back to their camp, where he lived out his early years as a pet slave. Scythal is what his masters called him, and he honored their gambled wages in the pit against other beasts. They sought to domesticate their winged prizefighter by beating the human out of him, until all that remained was a monster. What fools. All they managed to do was awaken a tempest, and the storm of fiery vengeance came at the hands of Scythal's father, Atrigon. Atrigon was a mythical demon, summoned by an overzealous harlot witch, who in a quest for power, made a pact by delivering his seed into the world. To say Atrigon was enraged when he learned of her sudden change of heart is an understatement; to this day, Scythal's mother burns inside a fiery chasm deep inside the earth. She should be thankful she did not suffer the same fate as Scythal's captors. The balance that regulated both Celyn and the ethereal plane, forbade Atrigon from maintaining a physical form, and the vast reserves of power used to free Scythal from harm, came at a great cost. As a last ditch effort before evaporating completely into nonexistence, Atrigon melded a slither of his consciousness into Gideon, serving as a quasi mentor. Where humans sought to degrade Scythal into a mindless creature, Atrigon's essence was spent guiding his son down a more sinister path, one that skirted between hellfire and deception. Scythal was obedient for a time, acquiesced by the guidance of his father, until he felt his counsel was no longer needed. By the time Scythal warded Atrigon's ghost from his mind and into nothingness, he had become a seasoned merchant in the black market, well-versed, and well-connected under the name of Gideon Tournes. Ascension into power seemed well within his grasp, but ironically, with all of the control he had in life, the one thing that remained a conundrum was his other self. The winged demon had grown just as he did, but in its growth, it had become more unstable, harder to control. Its violent temperament needed to be reigned in. Trained. Enter Avalon, the Cavaner trainer and advisor to the crown of Gandryll. Gaining control of Scythal was the final piece Gideon needed to set his plans into motion. He immediately reached out to Avalon, posturing as a reformed criminal in need of salvation, keeping his true intentions hidden away. [b]Strengths and Weaknesses:[/b] Due to the continued success of his black market business, Gideon's reputation in the criminal underworld is respected, even in his absence. He is agile, durable, and frighteningly quick in both human and in transformation, though more stronger in the latter form. Unfortunately, even with Avalon's training, Gideon's transformed state can lead to fits of berserker rage; a stark contrast to his otherwise level-headed demeanor. [b]Other:[/b] [hider=Oathsworn] [u][b]NPC:[/b][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Oathsworn [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Transformation:[/b] [img]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_76jVt7UUOFc/TU4jwIUIxYI/AAAAAAAABHc/AnqUAjhxQrA/s1600/133226_Kemba%2527s+Army_low.jpg[/img] [b]Human Apperance:[/b] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/311/b/d/young_knight_wip_by_dunechampion-d4ff3fk.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] Oathsworn possesses an unwavering countenance of stoicism, seldom tempered by the villainies of the world. He carries on the legacy of his ancestors, proudly incorporating their fabled qualities of integrity as part of his noble temperament. Truth and honesty are the main points of his chivalrous lifestyle, and he will not shy away from speaking his mind, no matter the consequence. [b]History:[/b] He comes from the Iron Lion clan, the once honorable guardians to a fabled ice dragon of ancient Bryn, now enslaved or hunted across the four kingdoms. Oathsworn was held captive by the same band of marauders that caught Gideon, and they were often pitted against each other for entertainment. He was taken aback when the winged demon freed him after his father, Atrigon, had massacred their captors. Oathsworn was obliged to fulfill the honor code of his ancestors, swearing allegiance to the one whom liberated him. He now serves as Gideon's bodyguard, willing to give his life for him at any given moment.[/hider] [hider=The Whispered Coin][img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/4/43589/2873234-underground_market.jpg[/img] [b]Info:[/b] The Whispered Coin functions as Celyn's central hub for black market trade. Established from the gutted ruins of an ancient mausoleum, right under the nose of Afon's strict trade embargoes. The Quiet Handshake police all operations going in and out of the market. They are the headmasters to a vast network of thief guilds, whose leaders remain anonymous due to their public stations of power. How Gideon managed a loyal clientele like The Quiet Handshake is only common knowledge to its leaders. His rallying effort to band the sand marauders of Ofera, while impressive, wouldn't even be enough to grant an audience with the shadowy organization. Rumors paint stories about his secret dealings with politicians and guildmasters, exotic shipments of vast quantities moving here and there, and important figureheads both famous and infamous, dying across Celyn like a plague. But these are just stories with no interconnecting points. Even if there was a paper trail of evidence that lead back to Gideon, none of it made any sense as far motives go. [/hider]