[center][b]D A N I A[/b][/center] Dania had been ready for this day for years. Unlike her sister the young woman had an incredible amount of confidence in her own strength. Years of tedious training had brought the cadet here, among the best of the best, and she knew this was where she belonged. Any anxiety had been washed away by the eager need to their mentor, and as she watched the stern looking Veteran step past her, the cadet returned her gaze with an equally strong look. Her palms were sweaty as a light tremor ran through hands, however it wasn’t fear that was causing her to be like this, it was anticipation. Some of the more arrogant minded trainees were looking to be called a hero, but the girl wanted so much more. Dania wanted to be a Scout, she wanted the badge, the duty, and the danger it came with. She could remember the day her step-father returned from the Military Hospital. The man who had raised her and become an important figure in her life had turned into a shell of a man. His eyes were hollow, soulless, and it had become obvious to the entire family that he had lost more then just limbs out there. It was a terrifying reality, but Dania had promised herself that she wouldn’t end up like that, and used it as a crutch to become a adept soldier everyday. She was strong, stronger than her father, and her step-father, and nothing was going to stand in her way from becoming the Scout she had always dreamed of becoming. Watching the woman make her way through the group, Dania’s stern expression never left her face. Wanting to show just how serious she was about this, the girl kept her posture stiff and straight while holding her salute. Elaina Penny was her name, and the woman looked tough as nails. Her years in the military was clear in her eyes as experience, and intensity seemed to radiate off her. As any cadet would, Dania watched her with unconditional respect, but that quickly changed as she striked the red head behind her. Backing up quickly with other trainees around him, chocolate orbs widened slightly as she watched the scene unfold. Understanding that their training would be strict, she couldn’t help but agree that the actions were uncalled for. “[b]What the hell was that for?!! He didn't do anything! Lady what's your problem?![/b]“ Her eyes narrowed, glaring at the dark haired boy that had been checking out her sister. ‘[i]Idiot.[/i]’ Knowing better then to talk back or call out the Veteran who was currently beating the trainee, Dania rolled her eyes as she returned her gaze back at the two. Most of the Cadets had backed off, circling around their mentor and Aleron as he took another hit. Her jaw tightened in anger as the boy took another hard which sent him to the ground. "[b]I said to start getting to know one another, which requires movement of the feet and communication. Did I stutter?[/b]" It had become a struggle now to keep her mouth shut, but as she towered over him looking as if she was ready to strike again, the brunette made an impulsive move that was sure to bite her in the ass later. ‘[i]Dammit—[/i]' Moving quickly, Dania snatched the back of the Alerons jacket collar and pulled him from beneath the woman, dragging him on the ground before she could take another shot at him. “We’ll get right to it ma’am, sorry for the delay!” Making hard eye contact with the other woman, Dania tried to make herself seem as small and docile as possible. Not wanting anymore conflict, or to become the target of her intimidation-tactics, the cadet kept quiet and slowly stood from the ground pulling Aleron up with her. With a firm hand holding his arm, the brunette pulled him back into the crowd of cadets while keeping her eyes set on their mentor. Standing within the confines of the group, Dania released his arm as a heavy frown graced her lips, “That was really uncalled for.” Her words were quiet, only audible enough for her and the red head to hear as she continued to watch their mentors every move. Her actions made the girl question how the rest of the year would be, and what training would be like under the unpredictable woman. Turning her sights on Aleron, the dark skinned cadet raised an eyebrow and spoke up in a flat tone, "You alright?" [center][b]R A Y E N & A M E L I A[/b][/center] As a wide smile slipped on the other trainees face, Rayen smiled softly back at him. “[b]Er, yeah...Yeah I'm fine. I doubt I'll be forgetting her name any time soon.[/b]” Exchanging a nod with the boy, Rayen looked over at the red head who was still talking about herself. “[b]Yeah.. I’ve had her as a bunkmate for the past three years, so I know exactly what you mean.[/b]” Returning her gaze back at the blond, she playfully scrunched her nose before a small chuckle escaped from her lips. The firm grasp of his hand was returned with her own as she shook his hand. Typically more shy in person, Rayen knew she was going to need a friend in this new stage of her life so there was no better time then the present to try to make one now. “[b]So er, what's your interesting fact?[/b]" “An interesting fact about me?” The girl went silent and looking up at the sky as if she was searching for an answer among the clouds. Her hands had returned behind her back as she rocked back and forth on her heels, thinking quietly to herself. “Well, I was born in Karanese, in Wall Rose, but I guess that’s not very interesting..” Rubbing the back of her head awkwardly as she struggled to think of something interesting about herself, tanned cheeks quickly began to fluster. “Sorry,” She said with a sheepish laugh as her eyes turned to the ground in embarrassment, “I, uh, can’t really think of anything else other then that.” Anxiety began to swell in her chest. Feeling like an idiot, and assuming she probably sounded incredibly boring to the other cadet, Rayen bit her bottom lip nervously and fell silent. “..and then when I was eleven I—“ The exceedingly long monologue from the red haired woman had finally come to halt as she noticed Rayen and Shuya talking to each apart from the group. The rest of the Military Police cadets that had the misfortune of become her audience had looks of relief on their faces, thankful that Amelia had finally shut up. Unfortunately it didn’t last long as she scowled in direction of the two. The center of attention had always been the young woman’s goal in life. She wanted all eyes and focus on her at all times, and if they weren’t then she was going to get the attention she desired one way or another. “If you two are done flirting over there maybe you should share some interesting facts with the group. I’m sure you both have more ‘interesting’ things to share.” She said snidely. A look of disgust had come over the dark haired girl before she looked over at Amelia. Bright brown orbs narrowed into a glare as she shot the other girl a look which was only returned with a smirk of satisfaction. While she and never been one for confrontation, Rayen refused to allow herself to become another one of Amelia’s punching bags. “Well maybe if you stopped talking about your rich, privileged life we’d have chance to actually share our facts.” Pleased that she had pissed off the smaller girl, the red head continued to smirk menacingly down at Ray as she spoke up, “Oh? So you think you’re different then me, huh?” “You’re in the Military Police now, sweetheart. You’re going to be serving under the King in the Capital, and live a life of luxury behind the safety of Wall Sina, while those fools in the Scouting Regiment are going to be dying left and right.” Rayen felt her blood run cold as she immediately thought of her sister, "Right now, there is nothing that makes us any different from each other. Apart from our attitudes of course, but that’s only because I’m not a little girl like you.” Shut down from the girls words, Rayen couldn’t say anything back to the insult because she knew Amelia was right. The right thing to have done was join the Scouting Regiment alongside her sister, because while she was no where as strong as the others, Rayen still could have assisted with her medical, and academic abilities. Clenched tightly in fists at her side, her hands shook in anger. Even if she wanted to stand up for herself now, Ray knew there was nothing she could say that would change the truth of Amelia’s words. So she stayed quiet, turned her gaze to the ground, and allowed the red head to win. Giving a small laugh as the other girl submitted, the tall cadet turned her back on Rayen and walked back to the group of trainees with her arms crossed, “Now where the hell is our mentor at?”