[quote=Rin Okumura] Jeffery[/quote] Dawn A level 52 boar. It had just the meat she needed for her chef. She held her sword and slashed down. The beast reared and squealed before charging. Dawn took on the full force of the attack blocking with her shield and taking only a fraction of the damage. Now with the giant pig at point blank she gave and upwards stab into its head and a slash into its neck. The boars health was low and it was dazed but it still tried to attack. She used her sprint skill and finished the beast with a long slice along it's side. The system rewarded her with BOAR'S HEAD. It would taste delicious for dinner. As Dawn packed away her supplies and checked the stats she heard running in the woods, thanks to her Max Detection skill. She wasn't in much of a hurry but was indeed fascinated and curious. She put her giant sword on her back and traveled to where she heard the noise. There she saw something that would chill one to the bone. A player stabbing another player, she took out her sword, prepared to attack before she caught a glimpse of the fading body's guild. A murder guild. She lowered her weapon a bit and approached slowly. "He was a killer. So I guess I shouldn't kill you." She said slowly. This was her world and everyone's reality where all knew too well the price of death. Dawn looked to where the man had been looking. A pair was standing and talking to each other. "They murderers too?"