( º _ º ) The moment that Karl began to move, Eika froze in place, hands moved so that they hovered above his body and a jostled look placed onto her face as he began to speak. Once he sat up and began to mumble in his sleepy voice, her gaze turned to Callum for a moment before clearing her throat a bit and...uh...winging it, to be honest. She's lean in quick, motioning for the male to do the same, in order to wrap her arms around the redhead and provide the previous warmth he'd indulged upon to sleep in. Only once she was settled in against the vampire would she begin to speak and attempt to explain herself. [i]"H-Hello, Master. We didn't mean to wake you.up...! We ah....I, rather...I suggested we try a g-game to give myself and my friend something to busy ourselves with...I d-didn't think you'd wake up so easily to being tickled...Please don't be mad."[/i] Her voice was kept low so as to not give him a headache, but there were so many thoughts pulling through her head that it was hard to try and keep calm and behave in this kind of situation as a resulting factor. Oh, she'd rather take on any wrath that might be made than that of her new conversation partner, so she'd darn well take up any and all blame of the situation if she could.