Arch felt a surge of energy watching the events unfold before him, the beautiful young girl beginning to shake a little as the three large men approached her. Golden light outlined their figures and something was very off about their lack of humanity. Angels? No... demons? He didn't hesitate a moment longer, but rushed the scene, his arms wrapping tightly around one of the large males from behind as his body bent backwards and slammed the larger man over him, his bid body ricocheting off the dark concrete. Arch moved with skill and tact as he rushed forward full speed, sliding around the girl and her captor and grabbing the man, pulling him from her and throwing with all his might. The body launched into the air and was difficult to make out as it flew through the night. He knew the girl would most likely be afraid of him, but he cared not. He caught her as she fell from his force and sat her back on her feet before going after the last guy, a series of punches and kicks moving faster than the eye could see quickly incapacitated him. Arch looked around, "Grab your ghost and let's go. My car is just a few blocks up ahead and I'm thinking these guys weren't interested in your oreos." He reached for her hand and started to jog to his vehicle, the electric touch of her skin against his causing his breath to catch in his chest. She was familiar and yet... he knew her not.