Well, if no one is going to post another CS, then I suppose I'll make a NPC for the PCs to interact with. Name- Ry'Shol Nabriak Age- 25 (Unknown to the general public or PCs) Race- Human / Golem (cyborg) Physical appearance- [hider=Physical Appearance & Outfit] [img=http://randommization.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Steampunk-mechanical-piston-arm.jpg] [/hider] [hider=Overcoat][img=http://www.jgthi.com/images/coppertrench.jpg][/hider] [hider=Goggles][img=http://img0.etsystatic.com/il_430xN.93061098.jpg] [/hider] [hider=Respirator][img=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/091/6/1/steampunk_respirator_light_by_pinochioo_5-d4unf9o.jpg][/hider] Occupation- Sharer of the mind of an ancient being that possesses people at random intervals, trying to destroy "Chaos" and "Entropy". These things wouldn't exist without the world, so the next logical step is to destroy it. Skills- [b]Guidance:[/b] Ry'Shol feels a [i]pull[/i] towards his next objective, and is given the advice necessary to complete the task. [b]Battle Assessment:[/b] He can study the battlefield(or another area) rapidly, determining his course of action almost instantaneously. [b]Hand to Hand: Master[/b] [b]Basic Demolitions[/b] District- Anywhere his next objective is. Weapons/Armor- Thick plating on his prosthetic arm, light steel plating on his torso and thick leather padding on his extremities, with joints free. [hider=Sword Cane][img=http://www.swordsdirect.com/fighting-dragon-sword-cane-450.jpg][/hider] [hider=Knife](Sheathed on the prosthetic arm.[img=http://th02.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2013/070/6/0/connor_hidden_blade_replica_prop_kit_by_ammnra-d5xo0le.jpg][/hider] [hider=Energy Lance] [NOTE: Used only in the most desperate of situations.] Creates a beam of energy that goes straight towards the target, piercing all in the way, and on impact, exploding in a cloud of radiation. (Basically a radon beam.)[img=http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100727203458/narutofanon/images/a/a8/E3a1e04b055d543e73b3b734f64861568566.jpg] [/hider] Character Personality: His personality is that of complete calm, and those around him will feel a sense of control emanating from him. He has little to no emotional response except for when he is extremely delirious. While he can interact with humans normally, the god in his head takes precedence. Goals: Unknown, even to Ry'Shol. The being in his mind just tells him what to do, and he does it.