[b]Name:[/b] Ziria Del'Crae [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Race:[/b] Human Appearance: [hider=Picture of her Pegasus, Satyana] [img]http://www.howtogeek.com/geekers/up/sshot4caef6c941240.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Picture of her] [URL=http://s273.photobucket.com/user/Mr_J_Darach/media/GothPrincess.png.html][IMG]http://i273.photobucket.com/albums/jj213/Mr_J_Darach/GothPrincess.png[/IMG][/URL] [/hider] Personality: Ziria is a cold and emotionally distant woman. Not out of any grim or foreboding persona she uses to deliberately drive people away – though she does have that, and it does tend to drive people away – but because she fundamentally has problems understanding other people and their behavior. In modern/earth terms, she would be diagnosed as having Asperger's syndrome, but in the here and now, she is simply considered 'odd', to say the least, and generally seen as downright unpersonable. History, Magic and her Pegasus (and pegasi in general) are her primary interests, and when she finds people who share those interests, she can be quite an excellent conversationalist, easily enthused by the subject matter. Her emotional detachment also gives her a more distant view of the issue of death, and she has trouble really caring unless its someone she knows or gives a crap about, or, occasionally, a sort of writ-large death toll she conceptualizes as an intellectual problem. While neither immoral or even amoral, she puts pragmatism first more often than not. Class: Dark Pegasus Knight Stats: HP - 20 Str - 0 Mag - 8 Skl - 5 Spd - 5 Lck - 3 Def - 3 Res – 3 Mov – 9 Armor Type: None Shields: None Mount: Pegasus Affinity: Dark Weapon Skill: Daggers – E; Dark Magics - E Feats/Abilities: Deep Reserves - Ziria's long experimentation and theoretical work into the nature of magic, both while in training and while with the company have given her the ability to stretch her magical power farther than most. Necromancy - Ziria has never had any qualms at using the dead bodies of her foes to protect her or advance her interests in a battle. History: Ziria was born to nobility in the Jaris Confederation, and always considered an odd child, due to her difficulty in interfacing with the emotions of others. When it was discovered that she had magical talent, at the age of 6, her wealthy parents, at wits end of what to do to her, sent her off to live with distant relatives in Elentielle. She trained in the basics of magic and magical theory, but over time, found herself being drawn – at least in terms of her interests – to 'Dark' Magic. While not banned in Elentielle, Dark Magic was always a bastard stepchild to Light and Anima magic, and she was shunned to the edge of the scholarly and academic world within the city and its schools of magical study. Which was just find with her. When she was 18, she grew tired of the stiffling environment within the city and finally left it, taking a not-insubstantial sum of money with her (her parents had continued to pay for her upkeep over her time in Elentielle) and traveled east, towards the mountains, intending to eventually travel to the Old World Ruins, where her mentor had traveled the year before. Along the way, however, Ziria was captured by bandits and her money taken. Initially she was going to be sold into slavery – or perhaps just used by the bandits as a 'plaything' – but they found out she was a noble in the Jaris Confederation, and decided to hold her to ransom. Among the other captives of the bandits was a black Pegasus foal, captured by the bandits as it wandered down from its mountain home, and they intended to sell it for a mountain of gold. Unfortunately for the bandits, they had stolen a number of family heirlooms belonging to a very wealthy man, who had hired the Greywood Company to get them back. During the attack, Ziria managed to use her magic to break out of her cage, and rescue the Pegasus as well. Impressed by her magical skill during the fighting, the company offered her a position, and Ziria, with little in the way of options short of going to a home she barely remembered (and what she remembered, she didn't like) or returning to the stiffing academic environment of Elentielle, decided to take the offer, using her time with the company as 'field work', in experimenting on the various magical principles she had studied or theorized. The Foal, which she named Satyana, grew up under her care, and she managed to get some of the other pegasus riders within the company to help her learn how to ride a Pegasus, as well as to train Satyana, and she has been riding Satyana into battle for three years now. With the company facing hard times, Ziria has considering that it may be time to take her work elsewhere. She's kept the fact that she's considering leaving the company quiet for the time being.