The Doctor tilted his head to one side, keeping that goofy-yet-charming grin on his face hoping that he wouldn’t have to follow her. That could end up being very awkward and it was always easier just to walk up to someone and start talking to them. He was never really scared of death and that, in itself, was enough to make him somewhat reckless but a lot of fun. When she said yes his face brightened and his smile expanded showing his bright white teeth across his fine lips as he fell into step with her. “I’m sure you will not be disappointed.” He said with a nod as he slid his large hands into the pockets of his black slacks. The smells of earth were always peaceful and relaxing, even in the city. Taking in a deep breath he let out a small sigh before turning his sharp blue gaze to the girl he was walking with. It did take him a little bit before he could talk to her, not because he was shy or anything but because he was trying to see what he could figure out about her before she started talking. “I’m the Doctor, what’s your name?” It wasn’t common that he had someone to talk to unless he had a companion with him. But that… that was a long time ago. Would it hurt to try to find someone to join him on his travels? Probably not but it’s not exactly something that one can just bring up in a conversation and as much as he’d enjoy the company, he really didn’t want her to get hurt.