[b]Sano Takeshi[/b] Before being scolded by the instructor, one who he imagined would be pissed by his outbreak, Sano turned to the girl next to him. Stephanie White - a short female Cadet that always seemed to follow the rules. She was one of the Cadets he had been in training with from the start. Though pretty - like most of the other cadets - Sano believed Stephanie to be quite a b*tch. She never eased up, never went with the flow - merely always strict. She seemed like a robot who would never go against an order, regardless how stupid or bad it was. She was a soldier, a newbie soldier like the rest of them, but acted like a complete expert in her field. So when she spoke to him as though she knew better, Sano became rather irritated by her words. She acted as though [b][i]she[/i][/b] knew exactly how things run. The problem was, she didn't. Just like Sano, Stephanie was a Cadet, not a Scout. She had been through the same training and challenges Sano was put through in the past couple of years. They underwent the exact same thing, it wasn't like ones training was harder than the others. Therefore, Sano had enough, eyeing the girl the exact way she had eyed him. His hands clenched fiercely, but had no plan on striking her. [b]"Squadron? Don't act like you are any of these people like one another. A squadron stands up for each other. It doesn't just watch as one of us gets beaten down unconditionally"[/b] he started in a whisper, not allowing others to hear their conversation. [b]"And don't talk to me like you know how [i]all this[/i] is run, like you know better, cuz you don't"[/b] he added, turning back to the instructor before giving her a salute - fist to chest and feet parallel. [b]"If I shall be punished for my eruption then I will take whatever comes my way!"[/b] he shouted above all other noise in the area. He chose to go the route of accepting any punishment, but wasn't going to apologize for what he had done. He believed it was completely reasonable, that his actions were more rational than not. In his mind, he was trying to protect a fellow cadet, if others sought it different then so be it, he didn't care.