Quickly, the colorless girl leaped in front of the hooded one and sliced her other arm open simultaneously. She waved her arms in front of her and from the slices a myriad of different sized blades materialized. All of them were the same mercury color and sharpness, reflecting the world around them on their surface as the were sent straight for the armored alien. Many of these blades continuously materialized and shot off a bit slower than a semi-automatic rifle would fire bullets. Each of the knives making a respecting 'clang!' against the metal of the armor of their foe. Her head turned to the side and she looked at the girl behind her. "It is time we move this out. Go." She turned her head back towards the alien and slowly backing up, allowing enough room for the hooded girl behind her to leave if she so wished and slowing down the now angry alien from coming further and doing damage to the people.