[quote=TheMM00s3] Name: Victor PartingsAge: 18Human appearance:alternant form: Personality: Insecure and easily hated for no reason, Victor tries to stay out of the spot light. He is not very good at interacting with others and is usually closed off from society. He can be cold and heartless at times, but usually only does so to get people away from him. He has a hard time controlling his emotions and can lash out at the smallest things. Victor complains about almost everything. But he is extremely loyal to the few friends he has and would do anything for them. He has an alternant personality who is laid back and talks with a heavy Arabian accent. This personality has a habit of showing up when it wants and has no real name. When Victors personality switches his eyes change to yellow cat like eyes, so it's easy to find out what personality is present.Abilities: Can shape shift into an anthropomorphic cat. When in human form he has an extremely strong sense of smell. And when in his cat form he is extremely agile. His alternant personality is also the one who controls his cat form, so if he does shape shift he has no real control of what he does.Bio: Victor was born into a highly nomadic society and was raised mostly by his father, since his mother died when he was 5. Most of his childhood was traveling in a small caravan across desert landscapes with only a group of 10 or so people. Victor's father new of his powers and his alternant personality, but tried to hide it from the others in the caravan. When Victor turned 10 a group of raiders attacked the caravan and his father was killed trying to protect him. After the raiders killed his father, Victor was thrown into a rage and he shifted into his cat form and fought against them. He was able to defeat most of the attackers and the rest ran away. Although he saved the rest of the caravan they disowned him and exiled him to walk the desert alone. Eventually he was found by a couple of archeologists who raised him for a few years until, they found out about his abilities. The archeologists threw him out on the streets where he lived until he was 16. When he turned 18 he heard about the academy and after a few months finally arrived. [/quote] Welcome!!Accepted!!