Nyx smiled at her as if she was only mildly-interested in what she had to say. Of course, her new Mistress never knew that because she never allowed thoughts like that to surface. Instead, she was interested in the collar around her shoulder. Touching it, after a few tentative tests, failed to cause a shock to run through her body. Nyx carried the information like she carried most information - it could be useful at anytime so she stored it in the vaults of her mind. She was getting used to this place and she didn't know if that was bad or good. She was already managing to fit in and that made her primal senses run wild with confusion. It was a peculiar confusion, not one she was used to. Nor was her Mistress what normal vampires were like - she was weird but she also seemed to be quite nice, kind of like a mother. Also, like a mother, she served as a main disciplinarian and Nyx would never dare to go against what she had told her. Nyx disliked the sound of yard-word but she knew it was a necessary evil in her steps towards trying to convince her Mistress that she was too good for regular farm-work. Once her Mistress realised that, then she'd treat Nyx like Nyx deserved to be treated: like a princess who didn't get all she wanted but was still kind of spoiled. Whenever Momo began leaving, Nyx, instantly lurched forward, trailing after get with a bright smile.