Miyoshi listened to the conversation, taking in what Zola and Ariella said. She was developing her opinions of her squadron mates slowly but surely. Zola, who she presumed was a backseater from her comments, was blunt and unfiltered - she seemed like an adept quick decision maker, especially to be able to keep up with her pilot as she described him. Ariella, of course, seemed very experienced, which Miyoshi would expect and demand from a flight lead. She also never stopped being a leader, a point proven moments later when she broke up the lunch chat to get the squadron hustling again. Fortunately, Miyoshi had just finished her small meal. She stood up, giving the appropriate affirmative response to her flight lead, and returned her tray, taking one final swig of her drink (emptying the glass) as she walked over. She glanced back at the rest of her squadron mates at the table as she exited the cafeteria, assuming anyone who [i]really[/i] wanted to talk to her would catch up. Getting to know her squadron mates was definitely high on her priority list, but sitting at the top was carrying out her flight lead's instructions immediately, so she didn't wait around to acquire a chat buddy. After an uneventful walk at a moderately brisk pace through the [i]Nimue[/i]'s corridors, she arrived at the hangar housing Excalibur squadron's aircraft. Walking the length of the hangar and admiring each of the other aircraft she passed as per usual, she soon reached her beloved Massao. The crew looked like they had just completed rearming the Foxbat, and the crew chief confirmed it when she walked up to him. "Six R-37Ms, two K-77Ms and four K-74M2s all loaded and ready to go. Vulcan has the full 500 rounds. Fully fueled, fully checked and double checked. She's good to go." Miyoshi acknowledged the crew chief with a slight head bow and a "Thank you", turning and beginning to walk back towards the barracks - but not before giving her aircraft a pat. "See you soon," she said under her breath with a little smile, and walked back down the length of the hangar. It seemed like the squadron had reduced in size from before - were some pilots reassigned? She didn't think anyone was shot down...of course, it could all be in her imagination. She was, however, fairly adamant that there had been more than eight aircraft at RAF Lossiemouth earlier that day. She mentally shrugged and assumed all would be made clear by her flight lead and in forthcoming briefings. [i]That Tomcat is gorgeous,[/i] she thought to herself as she exited the hangar and walked towards the barracks. Soon, she arrived in the barracks. It had been far less than forty minutes, but she had really nowhere else to go in the massive submarine-carrier. So, she climbed into her bunk and turned on her tablet, immersing herself in its vast repository of information about the [i]Nimue[/i], Excalibur, and the current conflict in general. Now was as good of a time as any to get as up to speed as she could.