[b]“You’re laughing, but that’s what I’ve been worrying about.”[/b] Mako replied, smiling with slight uneasiness. Like Bolin, Mako had also been in good spirits today; he was securing his place on the force in spite of no chance to ever learn metal bending, and things between him and Asami weren’t terribly tragic any more. The problem was that the situation between Korra and Asami was partly his fault, and so he felt like this kind of talk shouldn’t have taken place without him being there. There’d be a lot of love in burying this hatchet and knowing where they all stood, but his duty to Republic City had come first. The Chief was already pretty impressed with his work and Bolin was making quite the strides in taking this job. Mako was slowly starting to accept that soon enough Bolin might not need him anymore, and a big brother always wanted to feel needed. Well, almost always. Patting his brother’s shoulder, he nodded towards the doorway and was beginning to consider how poorly a conversation between both ladies could possibly go. From what Bolin told him, enthusiastically, Korra was in full swing with understanding her bending and had been in good spirits. Mako in turn informed Bolin that he was together with Asami on the road to repair, but damage control like this wasn’t going to be cured in a week. Stepping out of the department and embracing the warm glow of the sunset, Mako stretched out his arms and yawned before rubbing his head sleepily. Rest was in order, but only after he made sure Korra and Asami weren’t tearing each other’s heads off. Glancing at his brother, Mako was ready to proceed to the Bakery in question until Chief Bei Fong had taken off in quite the hurry, making off for what he suspected might’ve been the home of Tenzin. He didn’t say anything, didn’t ask questions, and only hoped that whatever illness was affecting the family there would pass soon. Having his own issue to worry about, he returned focus to Bolin. [b]“Korra’s proud, but so is Asami. I’m hoping for the best, but it only takes one wrong sentence to ruin everything. Trust me.”[/b] Mako wasn’t exactly smooth when Asami confronted him about Korra, and while he knew Asami could handle herself in woman to woman discussions …Korra was a little different. There was a lot more raw instinct and the filter was pretty much missing from the Avatar; she said what she wanted to, and nothing tended to change that whatsoever. Still, it wouldn’t do him any favors to start freaking out about it. Right about now they were likely having a nice meal and talking to each other like ladies. [b]“So …you and Korra?”[/b] The firebender wasn’t exactly sure where he was going with this, but crushes didn’t just evaporate, even after your heart was broken. Korra was spending some quality time with Bolin, and that might prompt Bolin himself into reawakening feelings he might’ve buried away a long time ago. His little brother had a lot of heart in him, and he’d want nothing more than to give it to a girl he really liked. ~ [i]‘Okay Korra …no big deal, just going to go talk to Asami …after basically killing her happiness…I can do this’[/i] All the confidence from the morning had seemed to evaporate a little as she was finally getting around to do this. Riding atop Naga, Korra had specifically requested she ‘take her time’ so she mentally prepares herself for the amount of feelings she was about to endure. Unfortunately Naga hadn’t gone as slow as she thought, and just outside of the Bakery they agreed to meet was Asami. Dismounting Naga before she had gotten too close to the scone Asami was eating, Korra pat her on the back and asked her to behave, and the big girl began to wander about. Joining beside Asami, Korra was surprised she was willing to treat her; the Avatar wasn’t exactly a paying job, but for her service she hoped maybe she could get something on the house here. It was a long shot, and there wasn’t a huge company filling her pockets, yet thankfully she didn’t need to make that call. Quick to grab a couple banana nut muffins inside for a very good price, Korra had returned to join beside her and as soon as she took her seat Asami had started them off. She was honest and straightforward, making Korra shift in her seat slightly from it. She was never quite used to being called out like this, yet in spite of how badly Korra had messed up Asami was still keeping her composure. Quietly chewing on one of her muffins, the Avatar’s eyes averted to Naga sniffing passerby’s and some were brave enough to pat her on the head. Not even that amusing sight could free her from the reality of her situation. Once Asami had concluded, Korra looked over at her from the corner of her eye, thoughts going back to Mako and the first time they had kissed. A blush had come to Korra’s face and she had to look in the direction opposite of Asami to hide it. [b]“W-well …that’s a lot. About Mako and I, you shouldn’t have to worry about it anymore …I think.”[/b] Korra truthfully didn’t know of her stance with Mako now; ever since dealing with Amon she hadn’t been focused on her feelings for him and was instead more concerned about her bending. Well, the bending was back, and now she could worry about the next big threat to her; teenage romance. Korra glanced at Asami, blush still unfortunately active. [b]“He’s a great guy. We didn’t hit it off right away but he came to respect me. About the time you and him started dating, Bolin and I spent a lot of time together and he was convinced I was trying to make him jealous of it. One thing led to another and …our lips just kind of …met.”[/b] Asami didn’t likely wish to hear the details on how it made her feel, so Korra would glide over that part and instead took another bite from her muffin and chewed quietly for a few moments. It was odd to say, but to get all of this out in the open was starting to feel nice. Asami had plenty of reason to dislike her right about now, but she could honestly say she was getting comfortable getting this out in the open. [b]“It was amazing, Asami. I can’t really get around how it felt and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t the least bit attracted to him. He wasn’t the aggressor with our kiss …I was.”[/b] With that Mako could at least be absolved of a fraction of the anger he would have gotten from Asami; Korra was the one who put herself on the relationship map and Mako’s confusion only intensified when they were together. And then there was Bolin … [b]“Bolin showed up and the rest is …well, you know the rest. We didn’t do anything else from there. I want us to all get along too but Mako is …well, do you still love him?”[/b] ~ Things had gone so wrong in such a short amount of time. Pema and Meelo had fallen ill to something no one is capable of identifying properly, not even the best doctors in the city! Tenzin was slipping and if he wasn’t with his family, he was alone to gather his thoughts. As of now, sitting within one of the island’s meditation spots, particularly the one he used for helping teach his children the importance of it, Tenzin sat idle with his eyes firmly shut and his mind attempting to be still. Nothing could fight the worst case scenario biting at him; Would Pema and Meelo come through? As a faithful husband and a proud father he had to believe that it was true, but if no doctors could discover the cause of this sudden illness then there was only the pain of ‘waiting’. The youngest son of Avatar Aang was hurting within, unable to eat or sleep and currently unable to be in there for Pema and Meelo. He needed time to compose himself so they may not see the hurt in his eyes, as long as he could believe things would work out then it would comfort them. Unable to resume his duties until this had passed, he had effectively taken a leave of absence as the council attempted to watch over the city but with new talk of a Republic City united by a single person rather than a group Tenzin couldn’t even pretend it mattered right now. The city, as much as he hated to say it, could burn for all he cared. All he desired was his family healthy and happy, and he’d do anything to see it be that way forever. His face was worn, signs of lack of sleep evident by bags under his eyes and with how slow he tended to walk. Effectively he found himself growing weak alongside his wife and child, but the doctors assured him that it wasn’t contagious. In fact, Pema and Meelo’s case was the only one within the city, and they hadn’t gone anywhere but within it for the past several days. As strong as Tenzin believed himself to be, should anything happen to those two he didn’t believe it possible for him to bounce back. Even his mother, Katara, was on her way to try and assist. More and more though he began to let that horrible thought slither itself around his mind: Pema and Meelo aren’t going to make it. Body tensing, Tenzin inhaled a deep breath and resumed his silence. His family needed him, and he needed to stop sitting in the mud, climb out, and join them hand in hand. Standing up, he brushed his robes off and wiped his face, slightly moist from idle tears. The air bender began to make his way back to them with a confident look about him.