Name: Marc “Loki” Osias Age: 25 [b]Personality[/b] Marc stopped trusting people when the End came and biological weapons fell from both sides. He never got along with most people, and ten years ago he started acclimating to society slowly. The End put a sharp halt to his progress in being social, and within a couple of weeks he has regressed into a solitary mindset. He is calculating, efficient, and cold. Marc has trouble getting along with people in a meaningful way. Marc has a small spot for loyalty in him, but he accepts very few into that place. Everyone else he keeps at a distance, faking what emotions he should feel but doesn’t for the sake of staying alive. Marc has independent sentiments but opted to stay with the USNA - the big dog has the largest bone. He didn't see the rebels as a winning venture. In the end, nobody won so Marc is on his own again. Luckily, he's used to that. [b]Physical description[/b] Standing at five six on a good day with his boots on, Marc is short and wiry. His pale green eyes squint unnervingly to most folk. He keeps his dull brown hair short, receding hairline in plain view. His pale skin refuses to tan. Marc is not a muscular man, relying on agility, flexibility, and endurance to get by instead of strength. [b]Background[/b] Marc grew up as a “poor disadvantaged youth”. In reality, he provided most things for himself growing up, and never properly learned what it was to be a social human being. What he lacked in social skills he made up for in intelligence, and was on track for several degrees before the end happened. Osias knew Jameson Pre-End, but their relationship ended on somewhat ambivalent note due to a sour past. During the North American crisis Marc voluntarily enlisted with the National Resource Recovery Agency so he could get away from an impoverished civilian life. He became federally endorsed to plumb bio and chem zones abroad, picking up skills and training which would serve him Post-End. The job allowed him to bypass martial law restrictions on weaponry and provided him with mostly unrestricted travel access. Within five years the USNA fell and Marc made off with what gear he could to become a scavenger - those crazy enough to head into the local bio/chem zones for salvage and profit. As of a year ago most salvage operations failed as the global population decreases and Marc was pushed to settling into the Toledo safezone. This is where he joined up with long time friend John Grimm, and they went independent shortly after the zone fell to disease. [b]Gear:[/b] [hider=Clothing] -Worn combat boots. -Kevlar gloves. -Layered light jackets in green, black, and tan. -Brown long sleeve -Grey hat and handkerchief. -Black jeans. Blue jeans suck. -NRRA tag he keeps for the potential benefits when dealing with USNA remnants. [/hider] [Hider=Weapons] -S&W Model 327. Eight rounds. One moon clip. -KA-BAR knife. [/hider] [Hider=Sachel] -Binoculars -40MM gas mask, two filters. -Paracord with hook for climbing [/hider] [hider=Backpack] -Homemade hazard suit -Magnesium firestarter block -Carbon filter kit -First aid kit -3L water bladder -Field sewing kit -Field dishes and utensils. -Compass -Pre-End map of United States -Hatchet -Crowbar [/hider]