The Observer hardly took notice of the incoming blades until it was far to late, and several of them had made contact with his black suit and blue armor. He didn't react to the blades entering his skin, however, and simply held his left hand out in front of it. The hand then transformed into a golden sword, with a similar sort of design to the golden gun that was his other hand. He continued to walk after the girl, intending on retrieving the slice of pizza. His pace quickened as the strange girl ran away from him. He didn't break out of his walk, but he was going faster than he was previously. The girl had the last slice of pizza, and he wasn't going to return to her until he retrieved it. His thoughts were interrupted as a mech that carried the girl called out to him. The mech was smaller than the alien, but he was unnaturally tall, even for his own species. He stopped in his tracks and tilted his head, briefly thinking about the taunt that was thrown at him. He didn't fully process it as a taunt, and decided to respond as he suddenly took off in a burst of speed. "Despite what you seem to believe, my armor is actually created by using a titanium and carbon mixture, all of of which I obtained here and designed after the armor in my home planet." He said monotonously as he chased after the mech, hoping that the misunderstanding about his armor was cleared up now.