I just want everyone to know that I am still taking suggestions on how this game should be run. If you don't like the idea of it being RP-Style, give me a different option.If you don't like how something is done, speak up or you're just going to remain unhappy. EDIT: Remember, when this started, I had no idea what it would evolve to. The pitch was that it would be The Hunger Games with stats and the rest will be worked out. It basically goes on you guys. If you don't like something, you need to let me know so I can try to fix it. That being said, with 24 people, that is going to be pretty damn difficult, but I want to know your thoughts instead of saying you agree (or nothing at all) and then complain that the game isn't what you thought it would be. EDIT II: If you do like something and you're excited about it, let me know that, too. Do you like that this is going to be Tabletop style? Let me know. Do you like the idea of the Character Sheets? Let me know. I want opinions from both sides.