[b]"WHAT? THEY DON'T HAVE SOUFFLES? MAN, I'M GOING TO HAVE TO HIT THE TOWN THEN."[/b] Ineko complained loudly. [b]"How are they doing that?"[/b] Beliya asked, [b]"OH, WELL MOSTLY IT'S LASERS INVISIBLE TO THE NAKED EYE ON DIFFERENT WAVELENGTHS, WHEN THE LASERS CROSS THEY FLARE UP AND BECOME VISIBLE."[/b] Ineko began, gesturing with his hands to a drone that had flown up to him. He pointed out the small emitter next to the camera lenses. [b]"LOTS OF INTERFERENCE AND DIFFRACTION GOING ON HERE. THE BASIC MATHEMATICAL MODEL I USED WAS T=kUoU*r+k|Ur|^2+k|Uo|^2+kU*oUr."[/b] He explained, throwing out the equation casually as if he spoke like this all the time. Before continuing, he paused for a second, looking at the reactions of everyone present. [b]"WHAT? YOU GUYS DON'T HAVE LASER BASED HOLOGRAMS EVERYWHERE?"[/b]