[B]LexCorp Tower[/B] [B]Metropolis, New York[/B] [B]1 minute 34 seconds to Impact[/B] With the missiles now within visible range, the Associated Press had began scrambling for an exit, their screams filled the cold winter air. If one would look closely enough, one might even see Luthor begin to sweat. From the back of the crowd a single voice rang out above the panic and the terror, a voice that would bring almost instant relief to the terrified crowd. “Look, it’s Superman!!” As the red and blue blur zoomed past the exposed roof and stopped just short of the missiles, taking a mental assessment of the situation and deciding on the best course of action. As Superman rushed out to meet the oncoming missiles, he flew just under them trying to stop them with the palm of his hands. Slowly he began using his immense strength to slow the projectiles to a manageable speed. As Superman tried to push both missiles up and off their target, his right had slipped letting one missile resume its course. He could only hope that he could dispatch the left before the other got too far. Before Superman cold even make the thought, a black and red blur could be seen on fast approach