Beliya stared at Ineko blankly at his explanation of the exact mathematics behind making a holographic projection, and she could have sworn her brain cells slowly burning up trying to understand it. She was studied, but that...that was beyond even her studies. Then again, she never did like math much... regardless, this at least proved that this Ineko was far smarter than she took him for, not only a capable pair of hands, but a brilliant intellect lying behind that helmet. Seemed like good partner material. No doubt someone like him would serve well, someone as ingenious and resourceful as him would match well with her. Looking around, she noted the reactions people were having to the projection, and turned back to Ineko, saying: [b]"Honestly, I've never seen something like that...intriguing. Anyway, I'll see you around, Ineko."[/b] She would turn to go towards the main assembly building, though she would turn back for a moment to add: [b]"Good luck on the entrance exam."[/b] Within a few minutes she would reach the assembly building, and wait for the assembly to begin. She noted a rather large man with a glowing sword, but thought nothing of it; everyone had odd weapons here.