Well after narrowly catching the ship with a thrown bear trap, climbing his way up the chain that is attached to said trap, and then crawling in through a window made difficult by the small window size and his huge body size, he finally made it aboard. The “slipping through the window” part of that whole excursion was the most difficult, due to the window being about the length of Brucey’s legs, when in a crouched position… He definitely was stared at for a good while, that is something Brucey noticed and regretted, he has always been an attention grabber due to his size which more than anything makes him feel uncomfortable. After righting himself and walking over to a few seats, he examined them and decided not to take a seat as to refrain from breaking the seat, or at the least bit weakening them. Deciding to stand he looked out the window and admired the passing ground, and the approaching Building which he assumed to be the academy. Brucey admired the sheer size of the building never seeing a structure so big before in his life. “The doorways are probably taller than average”, Brucey mouths out but doesn’t actually put any air in order to make auditory speech. He notices a few eyes still burning holes through his body with their gazes, he shrugs as if to dislocate their eyes from his body to no avail, he really wished the person explaining to him what to look for had said “airship” instead of just “ship” since he was looking for a sea-dock rather than a hangar, that would have spared him the embarrassment of being so late as to have climbed via chain into a window, “How silly, how foolish of me.” Brucey again, mouths out. He notices the massive structure now dominates most of the window, the “airship”, is landing.He decides to wait until everyone else gets off first taking with him only the steamer trunk tied with rope to his back...