[hider=9][b]Character Name:[/b] The number "9" has been branded to his forehead. Its a bad memory but its the only name he has known. [b]Species:[/b] Vavatonem [b]Species description:[/b] [i]Entry #12, The Vavatonem The Vavatonem are a recent discovery, found in the deepest jungles outside of Eblistan. The creatures are unique in their ability to adapt their bodies to new environments quickly and efficiently. Completing in a month what evolution would take hundreds of years to accomplish. For now not much is known about them, however they are intelligent and can be incredibly dangerous. It was originally thought that they were little more than simple but advanced animals. However as more knowledge was gained, researchers found them to be highly intelligent and shockingly sentient. The creatures do not speak like one would normally think. Instead they seem to have some form of telepathy, speaking in a simple sentences. Of course they have their own language that has so far eluded any understanding. Here is what I have discovered of their anatomy: -There doesn't seem to be a difference between genders, if any. Perhaps they are hermaphroditic? Further research pending. -From what I've seen of their lifespan they seem to mature in stages. Egg, Hatchling, Pupa, Adult. The time between these stages is unknown. -Adults seem to average at about 8 to 9 feet tall, minus the head crest. -They are tough bastards, seen arrows bounce off their shells. They also seem to have a regeneration ability. -All the adults seem to have two sets of arms, the top pair are a nasty set of claws that could cut through a horse in a single swing. Honest, I saw it. The second pair seems to be actual arms, some of them are claws while others are dexterous hands. -The most fascinating thing about the Vavatonem is their ability to cocoon themselves and adapt to new environments. I've seen some all pale skin and no eyes but covered in bioluminescent patches. For now they are a friendly, kind race but as news of these creatures reach Eblistan I fear that others will come with less than pure intentions for these beings. Hunters and slavers would find much joy in taking these creatures on. I hope they can live on in peace. [center]Alistair Qrow, Scholar[/center][/i] [b]Gender:[/b] Technically is both genders, but telepathic voice sounds masculine. [b]Noteworthy Abilities / Limitations:[/b] [u]Strengths[/u] -Strength, easily lift 200 lbs. with one hand. -Natural armor, tough hide. Most arrows won't have enough power to puncture their hides, much less their chitin plates but crossbows definitely could. -Adaptation, that saying of "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" definitely applies to 9. Can become resistant to something but never completely invulnerable to it. -Regeneration, heals fairly quickly. a cut that would take a normal man a couple days would heal in an hour or two. -Natural weapons, the claws on the top pair of arms are extremely sharp and could easily cut through the thickest of flesh. Could puncture cheaply made plate but moderate to high quality stuff is a no no. -Telepathy, talks only to the people he wants to. -People sense, is a good judge of character. -Link, can telepathically link with ONE person that he trusts very much. Will automatically know where that person is, how well they are, and what they are thinking. Take that what you will. -Leap, can leap twenty feet forward with a running start. [u]weaknesses[/u] -Monstrous visage, not the prettiest creature on the block. Looks like a thing that would crawl out of your nightmares. -Big, while it does add to strength, 9's size keeps him from entering most doors and makes him a large target. -Easily manipulated, Has no concept of lying and takes everything you tell him as truth. -Attention magnet, lets face it. Nobody is going to miss the giant monster. -Psychic weakness, those who posses strong magic of the mind could easily dominate 9's will. -Fear of fire, terrified of the stuff. May have something to do with his brand. -Cocoon time, it takes at least 12 hours in the cocoon to make any useful anatomy changes. -Cannot wear armor, unless his current armor or skin gets damaged it will not get stronger. -Does not use weapons, cannot use weapons outside of the ones he was born with. -Slavers, attacks on site. Will also grow very agitated at the sight of whips and branding irons. -Scientists, fears them even more than fire. -Acid, prevents regeneration. [b]Background:[/b] 9 was an average Vavatonem, he spent his time hunting and playing with the others. One day he was men came and captured him and many of his friends. They group was then taken to a camp and 9 was introduced with the brand. The pain was unimaginable and when he kept thrashing around, the bad men introduced him to the whip. Ever since then he has had a hate for the men who hurt others, the brand and whip ingrained in his mind as instruments of pain. However they weren't the worst thing at the camp, no that honor belonged to the pointy eared man. He would cut his friends open and [i]do things[/i] to them that they couldn't heal from. He pleaded with pointy ears, they all did, to stop. He either didn't here them or just didn't care. At the end of it only 9 remained. The pointy eared one said [i]"I need fresh meat for my experiments, do with this thing what you want."[/i] and so they took him to Eblistan to be put in a zoo or to be sold as a pet. [b]Appearance:[/b] [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/50/f4/69/50f469235176da38f9933047fbca051f.jpg] Average for his race, 9 is 8'6 and 672 pounds of muscle, sinew, and bone. While his eyes can take any color they are usually a dark, solid blue unless in battle in which it turns red. [b]Reason for Detainment:[/b] While setting up a deal for his purchase, the hunters paid the guard to store him in the dungeons. If he were to break out, what would be the loss of a few criminals?[/hider]