[center][i]"Life is full of mistakes, I'm just trying to correct a few of my own before I kick the bucket."[/i][/center] Name: Bulwark Race: Cybertronian, Allegiance- Autobot Equipment: Twin shoulder mounted cannons that fire high explosive shells. Left arm turns into blade. Chest houses plasma cannon. "The Guardian", a large shield that blocks all but the most powerful attacks with the help of its sturdy frame and protective forcefield it generates around it, blades along the sides can be used as an emergency weapon. Appearance: [img=http://th03.deviantart.net/fs40/PRE/i/2009/055/6/f/Project_Combaticons__Onslaught_by_Ra88.jpg] -Vehicle form is an Oshkosh heavy equipment transporter. Biography: Bulwark wasn't the model citizen, in fact he wasn't even an Autobot until late in the war. Originally Bulwark was just a mercenary. During the war he worked for both sides, killing his fair share of both Decepticons and Autobots. However as the war dragged on and on, Bulwark felt something nagging at his conscience like a magnet pulling on metal shavings. It finally clicked when he was hired by some Decepticons to take out a group of Autobots that turned out to just be civilians who didn't want to leave. For Bulwark that was the last straw. After returning from the mission and clearing out the Decepticons that hired him, Bulwark sought out the Autobots and did his best to make up for his past misdeeds. It took decades but he finally was an accepted member of the Autobots and he took that fact with much pride. When the war cooled down Bulwark traveled with other Autobots until he got the message from Earth. Personality: To sum up Bulwark all you need to know about him is that he is honorable, loyal, and friendly. First bot in, last one out. Bulwark is a lead from the front kind of guy on the few times he has been placed in leadership roles, never asking a bot to do something he wouldn't do himself. He would never leave a man behind and will fight to his last to protect those underneath his protection. Underneath all this is a bot that knows he has made mistakes, he's just trying to correct some before his time comes.