Name - Unknown Alias - Forest Age - Unknown, Five years active. Powers - Durability: Stronger than normal wood, able to resist bullets but is just as susceptible to fire as normal wood. Strength: At base strength, able to lift 10, 20 tons. But if fertile soil is involved his strength can be raised exponentially. Regeneration: Able to regrow damage at a speed proportional to the fertility of the ground he rests in. E.X. complete regrowth in about a week at the most fertile. Plant speak: Able to "Converse" with plants, knowing what it has gone through. Good for investigation. Skills - Gardening: Helps with being part plant, but is an exceptional gardener and knows much about plants. Doesn't think its much help though. Fighting: Isn't all that great, clumsy swings and sloppy slams and uncoordinated punches. Isn't very graceful. Equipment - None. Personality - Simple, slow, and relaxed. Appearance - [hider=Forest][img][/img][/hider] BRIEF Bio - Not much is known about Forest's past, one day he woke up in a swamp and found himself like he is. A giant mass of branches and stones. He wandered the swamps for awhile, with nothing but animal instincts to go by until he had a vision. It was nothing major, just a flash of blank faces and and vague actions, but it was enough to give him sentience and a purpose. Leaving the swamp he has made his way around the country, gaining more flashbacks and more humanity along the way until he made his way to Gotham. For reasons unknown to him he felt pulled to the area and was found by Batman after a confrontation with some armed thugs. Since then Batman has kept tabs on him, making sure he isn't a menace to society and such. However with the hard times coming Batman needed some muscle and Forest still owed Batman a debt. Now he finds himself here. Notes - Forest is tall, like 12 feet and almost a thousand pounds. -He is almost like a child in a sense, little things fill him with wonder and awe. -I want it to be a development point for Forest to gain more knowledge of his past as the RP goes along.