[i]"Kill me huh, not going to happen."[/i] It was clear that Alexa decided Micheal was of little to no use and that he should be killed when she was done the mission. Micheal shook it off, Alexa thought she was better than me in all scenarios and that she could kill him by blinking her eyes, [i]"Typical Merc."[/i] Micheal noticed that Kali was the first to pull her contacts, This isn't information on a no name fugitive hiding from Aria, no, this was an organization that nobody has ever heard of, and has more power each than Aria. MIcheal felt that this was a little over his head, he forgot about it and focused on the new intel in front of him. Not surprisingly, there wasn't much to look at, mostly just what the Client told us. If someone like him didn't tell me this, Micheal would've dismissed this as a myth, but there wasn't many things of not in this information. But one thing that did catch his attention was the list of people who had, or was suspected to have, relations (no matter how faint) to the Puppetmasters. "Here, there's a list of contacts that have ties to the Puppetmasters. Wait, I know one of these people, the Salarian named Yarsin Pizora. He's one of my contacts and we can go to our meeting place. We'll find him there and extract some info from him. Sound good?"