Dovah landed with a thump as the friendly and much older dragonelle dropped both him and her hatchlings to the ground before landing herself and rested. Although partially annoyed she swooped him up with her saa claws when the sudden dragon migration happened, but he was also grateful because he knew he wouldn't be able to get to where they were without her help. Before the dragonelle could lay down to take a break, some flames could be seen nearby which caused the two hatchlings to squeal and the dragonelle stiffened. Through the trees, Dovah could see the silhouettes of both dragons and humans. Before he could tell the dragonelle what was happening, a voice shouted in his skull [I]Humans are here! Humans are here! Get away! Everyone get away![/I] The dragonelle panicked and scouped up Dovah and the hatchlings without a second thought and started to fly off. Dovah sighed silently as he looked at the combat. The thought of missing a chance to face the humans disappointed him. His vision went from the melee to the hatchlings within the dragonelle's front claws. They had both fear and curiosity painted on their faces as they watched the battle below occur. Dovah grinned slightly, maybe it was better for him to stay with these hatchlings after all, to help protect them from the destructive humans. The drake then heard a sudden and sickening [I]thuik[/I] above him. He didn't even have time to look at what happened as he felt the dragonelle's grip loosen, which in turn set him tumbling to the ground. As he fell he caught a quick glimpse of a crossbow bolt stuck in one of the dragonelle's saa. He could hear the voice of the older creature enter his head, telling him that she's sorry. Dovah didn't have time to answer as he entered into the tops of the trees below. Dovah felt himself spin wildly as he crashed through the various branches before landing with his chest to the ground. He felt his body plough forward through the dirt from the speed of the fall. The drake's vision stopped spinning just in time for him to see the tree directly ahead of him quickly approaching. With a thud his forward motion was stopped. The drake laid there stunned for a few moments, probably minutes. When he did move, it was slow and painful, like he had done some kind of marathon run and tired out every muscle in his body to the point of uselessness. He groaned as he turned around to look for any sign of possible danger, only to see a few dragons in the nearby. He wondered if they had even noticed him, wouldn't his smell give him away? He took a quick look at himself to find that he was covered in sticks and leaves, all holding on by sap and one very unfortunate bird's nest. Since he didn't smell like a dragon to much anymore, he figured that's why they didn't notice him. The very messy drake moved forward with a heavy limp in his right saa, with everything else also sort of limping. The movement made his joints feel very old, if that were even possible for a dragon. He slowly approached the dragons before announcing his presence, "Is it all clear?" He observed a wimborne dragonelle approaching what seemed to be a dead or unconscious human. Good, one less to worry about in the world, bet she was going to fry what's left of him in that unfortunate waste of metal he wore. He also noticed an aramoor dragonelle who seemed to be very hurt. Dovah sat himself down at a respectable range of the group, hoping they wouldn't find him too retched with the smell of sap dominate on him.