[quote=ramblingbard] I'd just like to say that I'm interested, but I haven't watched either series in, like, forever. By which I mean nearly a decade. They are on Netflix, but I haven't had time to watch them. At any rate, I do know the basics and think this is an interesting concept. If this gets more interest, I promise to put more of an effort in to know enough to help create this world with you.[/quote] Awesome, thank you. [quote=Rin] conflicted here since Buffy and Angel are my favourite shows ever, but I've honestly never cared much for Charmed. Hmmm. We'll see, I guess.[/quote] Fair enough, hopefully we can create something you would enjoy playing in. [quote=Stephanie96]I've always loved Charmed, but I've never seen Buffy..but I am fairly interested. Would it be Canon or OC characters? I'd quite like to play PJ Halliwell, Phoebe's daughter and I don't know which tier that would come under.[/quote] Honestly, I'd say go for original characters at least that way we can develop the world how we want to. Plus if a major character dies it is no hardship and we can explore how things would shape up without them.