[i] – Crash & Mercy – [/i] Crash's face split into a grin as he watched Kathy lift a hand to the back of her head, it made a fresh swirl of happiness course through him returning warmth to his cheeks. "Yes you" He chuckled lightly, as she took a small pause before lowering her hand. He raised an eyebrow at her his smile degrading at the mention of the dreaded shoe, one side of his mouth remained up in a lop sided smile a rather affectionate look taking a hold of his expression. "No you-" Unfortunately for Kathy, Crash cut himself off before finishing his sentence as he noticed Darwin approach, shifting the conversation to another track. He wasn't overly convinced Kathy's concern outweighed her obvious amusement at his current situation as he was enclosed in the unicorns death grip. Rubbing his abused chest he released a puff of air once he had been released, that had been a rather painful experience in all but he was sure he'd recover quickly, he grinned firstly at Kathy before Darwin. "Good to hear, I'm sure they'll explain it when we start...I've never heard of it before" Crash admitted with a small shrug, he glanced back at Kathy catching the slight blush tinting her cheeks as she quietly returned his question. "Well...since you asked so nicely how can I not?" He boldly teased her, deliberately wording his reply as if she had personally asked him to play. He waited to watch Kathy's reaction though he turned to Darwin as he mentioned beating everyone as well as admitting he had eaten a [i]lot[/i] of skittles...not that the red haired shapeshifter was surprised by this information. "If a rainbow colored Xenomorph bursts out of your chest...I would have seen everything" He commented, though he did give the unicorn a rather cautious look failing to mention if that actually happened he'd probably end up clinging to the ceilings light shade. Mercy had been watching the exchange in muted amusement, she was a little surprised as Kathy turned to her...almost as if she'd forgotten she was a visible person. Hearing Kathy question the origin of the meeting, a devious smile spread across Mercy's expression it grew in size as she saw Crash glance at her warily, she patted his shoulder and answered. "Absolutely, I can't wait to play" She answered, laughing as she heard Crash groan his disapproval. "You and whatever this is, is not a good combination" The shapeshifter muttered to the silver haired woman, grimacing as Mercy flicked his ear. "Be shh'd you" She grinned. "Knowing Maria this meeting could well have been for both. This way she can address the serious stuff and then loop you all into a completely...harmless game" Mercy put forward in answer to Kathy's wondering before she glanced at Darwin barely able to prepare herself as he screamed and enveloped her in a hug which she returned happily. "Hello Darwin!" She greeted him with a warm smile, laughing lightly as he admitted he hadn't been aware she was a teacher. "Surprisingly, no-one was aware of it apart from Red over here I believe" She told Darwin, poking Crash as she said 'Red' he didn't seem to react to her his gaze having already shifted back to rest on Kathy. He instantly looked back at Darwin as he begun to talk again, he didn't want to appear rude his eyebrows hitched up at the mention of valentines skittles...was Valentines day close or something? He hadn't paid attention to the day in the past...he could have missed it this year though considering he hadn't been around the mundy world as much, he usually relied on the world of retail to tell him when most holidays were. He was dragged from his fast paced thoughts as the last part of Darwin's sentence caught his attention. [i]Say what? Increases love?![/i] He was unable to stop the flush that swept across his face, 'Code Red' or 'Redlining' as Carmen liked to call it was in full swing at that comment. "E-excuse you?" Crash stuttered out, blinking at Darwin as if he was utterly confused as to where on earth that comment had come from, he glanced at Kathy to warrant her reaction to the unicorn...as well as to see whether he was perhaps overreacting right now, he felt this area was not something he wanted to breach right now. Mercy raised an amused eyebrow at Darwin's antics, deciding to enjoy how uncomfortable the shapeshifter had become...had he failed to tell her something? "As great as this is, if you guys want to be involved in this game might I suggest we all go and sit down?" Mercy suggested with a smile pointing over to Maria. Crash nodded his head sliding off of his chair, turning to Kathy with a smile he lifted a hand to the back of his neck. Mercy had glided past them, patting Darwin's shoulder and attempting to guide him towards Maria. "Would you sit with me?" Crash murmured to Kathy he waited for her answer before moving any further, sure to follow if she accepted or to make his own way over if she didn't. [i] - Lion - [/i] Lion bowed his head to Garden. "You're welcome, My lady" He murmured, lifting his mouth in a grin as she picked up the small shaking kitten. His ears flickered as he watched her calmly sooth the timid animal, he tilted his head to the side watching for a moment before he looked over in the direction Little Feather had gone, stress lines had begun to appear on his muzzle. Although they didn't have to be together at all times, there was a reason the lion was protective of the girl...he looked back at Garden as she spoke to the kitten, he purred appreciatively to Garden as she petted him. He blinked in surprise however as she called him a big 'papa' and mentioned babysitting duties, the king of beasts flicked his tail behind him blinking up at the girl. "If you require my assistance I'd be more than happy to help you out, my lady" Lion answered her with a small dip of his head, offering her a lion-ish smile. He wiggled his nose as it was bopped, flicking his large tongue out to lick the kitten up the face. [i]Papa Lion? It makes me sound old[/i] The Lion rumbled at the small cat. [i] - Little Feather - [/i] "Perhaps...but I don't know how" She shrugged at him. "It’s been so long since I've had to...feel anything" She pushed her hair behind her ear nervously before he lectured her. Little Feather noticed his monotonous and bored tone, it irritated her so she leant a little closer to him, her gaze remained soft but there was a slightly harsh undertone to her voice "Leroy, I am what I am. It is my duty to trust others and in turn help them to trust me...you can tell me off for it as much as you want it won’t change that fact...Why exactly are you so [i]concerned[/i] about my feelings anyway?" She bit back against his lecture, there was even a slither of sarcasm in her tone she wasn’t sure. This was in fact the first sign of confrontation the young Lakota had shown since she had arrived; of course it wasn't the most convincing of displays she looked even more flustered than before. She had calmed down again after explaining her view of the colors to him, she nodded her head at him with a small smile though it faded as he laughed at her vulnerability she looked perplexed by his rather odd phrase for a moment before her cheeks flared up in force, she found the term to be oddly complimentary despite...why she'd received it. She had managed to appear human! Did this mean she was becoming more like one each day? Less...dead? Her momentary elation lessened as she listened to Leroy continues to speak. "Regardless of the results, I'll owe you...hmm, what's a 'blank cheque'?" She asked tilting her head to the side, curious confusion apparent in her expression. She was distracted yet again as he dripped blue ink onto his finger, she tilted her head to the side studying it curiously. “Wow...” She commented, she knew he manipulated ink but she hadn’t really witnessed it first hand...apart from with Zivon perhaps. She took in a breath and nodded at him staying still as he warned he of her last chance. “No, I’m good” She murmured, though she was starting to feel quite anxious now. She swallowed a lump in her throat, her cheeks flushing as his finger made contact with her skin, she focused her eyes on his shoulder to keep herself from getting anymore flustered. “A-are you going to say anything?” She asked, as he drew on the lines already beginning to feel a shift in her emotions. Her anxiety was slowly whittled away by an emotion she wasn’t accustomed to...suspicion, her eyes drifted back to Leroy. Suddenly questioning why he was doing this? What were his original intentions when he agreed to this? She was still reeling from the application of the first emotion, she was far more susceptiple to the application of the second emotion. She felt the familiar buzz of excitement pass through her, causing her fingertips to tingle as she fidgeted in front of him. “Oh w-wow, what did you do?!” She asked him her excitement apparent in her tone, though her eyes were showing signs of her suspicion. “It’s like...” She started, as soon as he had finished she had bounced to her feet, her confidence had returned as soon as he swept his finger across her cheek creating one of the thin blue lines. “Oh! Everyone is moving over towards the game...I wonder why...we should do the same! Come on, come on you can come with me!” She practically blurted out, her face was bright but her eyes contradicted her entire expression they were wary and...suspicious. Even some of her speech echoed the suspicion, she bounced up and down on the tips of her toes, holding her hand out to Leroy clearly intent on pulling him along for the ride...should she be so focused on taking him with her? What if this was part of his plan...? ((Excitement and Suspicion xD I think I got it...might take a while to flow :P))