Latinium, from the Brellien isles of the west to the Dayuk plains of the east, from the dark, unforgiving Davian forest of the north to the vast Saharem deserts of the south, is a land that has known the greatest of triumphs and the harshest of defeats. From the lands of the Grecians, came Andropos the Great of Klopes who united his warring neighbors under his banner and rode east to conquer lands unknown. However as he ventured father and farther away from homelands, his own men began to abandon him and Andropos died on his way home, never to fulfill his dream. From the merchant city-state of Carthus came Abardall Barka who’s cunning on the battlefield so nearly brought Marr to her knees. However, he was defeated by a young Marrian senator who studied his tactics and used them against him. From the mighty Marrian republic came forth Gaius Aurellius Maximus, who saved Marr from the corruption of the senate. He did not long however to relish in his victory. The lands of Latinium are holds great fortune and misery for those who want to claim stakes and rule its lands. The fate of many tribes, nations, kingdoms and empires will attests to this fact. For 800 years, one power had ruled over Latinium with an iron fist. The Marrian Empire had kept Latinium for itself through shrewd diplomacy and military might, keeping its allies and enemies weary of her presence. For those long 700 hundred years, it had build, conquered and destroyed many groups to keep her power in the lands unchallenged. Her ancient rival, Carthus was cut down by her sword. Klopes and the great Grecian city-states were subjugated by her legions. The eastern people of the desert who fought valiantly were no match for the Marrian war machine. Marr was both a generous and brutal ruler of Latinium. Join her and aid her well and you shall prosper yourself, greatly but deny or rebel her rule and your end would be swift and merciless. To keep her from falling apart, the emperor of Marr sent governors to supervise the region he was tasked to and make sure peace and profit were not disturbed. If trouble arose, the might legions of Marr were quick to put an end to it. But for all its prestige and power, it fell at the hands of barbarian tribes. During the years before its end, it had fallen to heavy in-fighting, corruption and rebellion. While the Marrians were busy stabbing each other in the back, the barbarian tribes that it had chased away from its borders grew in strength. Starting with simple raids on patrols and merchants, the tribes grew stronger and stronger from looting and pillaging. While the empire fought itself, the barbarian tribes pillaged villages, destroyed caravans and raised crop fields. Soon the barbarian tribes were hired by rival families of Marr who wanted the seat of the emperor of themselves. They became the mercenaries of the empire who at first sought to annihilate them. Through this, they weakened the empire further more, cutting down her legions. Soon the other fledging tribes of the west began to join them. Realizing their mistake, the powers of Marr made a last effort to save the empire they were fighting for. Gathering the last 5 legions under their banner, they marched to meet the large barbarian horde that was heading for Marr itself. On the plains of Gallina, they made their stand in hopes of breaking the will of their opponent. The legions fought in disarray as distrust among their commanders made the situation worst for the empire. As the legions began to weaken and their leaders began squabbling, the barbarians launched a cunning ploy that hammered the legions on their flanks. The legionnaires routed after their formations and their will were utterly broken and were chased down by barbarian cavalry. Those who survived were quickly regrouped and sent back to Marr where they began the defense of the city. The remainders of the legion along with the city guards were numbered three-to-one as the hordes lay siege to their city. For a month the barbarians starved the defenders of the city before breaching her walls and slaughtering her citizens. The defenders fought valiantly, fighting the invading horde for as long as they could but their defeat was inevitable. The burning houses, forum and palace of Marr heralded the end of the mighty empire. It has been 20 years since the fall of Marr and without the power of the empire to keep rising powers in check, war looms in the horizon. Warlords, tribal leaders and rising kings are now laying their claims on the land. Tempers are rising over ancient feuds, rivalry over territory, arguments of religion and even petty squabbles are leading to battles over the land. Roaming desperate bands of bandits are seizing the chance to loot and pillage now that the might legions of the empire are gone. With the death of Marr, its language was also taken. Without a common medium of speech, misunderstandings are impossible to avoid. Latinium now enters a turbulent time in its history, a time of sweeping change across the continent through bloodshed and despair. Latinium now falls to the dark ages. [b]The Marrian Empire[/b] The glorious Marrian Empire that once ruled from all of Latinium was not always as powerful and as magnificent. Like all great nations, Marr had its start with humble origins. It was on the island of Italess that Marr came to be as a small city-state. Its citizens were mostly farmers, herders, craftsmen and carpenters along with their slaves. The ruler of this city was their king, “rex” in their language. Their king would have a small council of elders who were largely landowners known as the “senatus”. The king would always heed the advice of the elders who would guide him through his rule. One such king did not. His name was Tyrros and he ruled Marr with an iron fist. Some say he did what had to be done at the time. He ruled in a time when Marr was plagued with a terrible drought and when the others powers around her viewed her as a city ripe for conquest. Tyrros did hold off the attacks of would-be invaders and had solved the problem of drought by building impressive structures known as aqueducts but it came at a steep price. Thousands had died under his rule and the people were about to revolt. The elders tried to warn Tyrros of the impending danger but he simply dismissed them. Perhaps it was arrogance or perhaps he was distracted by other matters. On one night of the summer season however, the people rebelled against Tyrros and stormed his dwelling. Tyrros and his family were able to escape but a new problem threatened Marr. Now without a leader, her enemies would once again try to claim it as their own. The elders quickly formed a council which was to be known as the “senate” and claimed that they would serve in the interest of Marr and her people. Under the senate’s guidance, not only did the territories expanded but also prospered with immense wealth. It had faced serious threats which would have brought it to the ground. There was the Carthusian general Abardall Barka who went through the Alsiric Mountains to surprise the Marrians, the campaigns of King Pyrammus who carved a bloody trail through the island and then the raiding northern tribes who challenged the power of Marr. This conquerors who set their eyes on Marr where defeated although at a steep price at times. Even though the senate did bring much wealth and prestige to the lands they held, they had abandoned the plebeians, the common people, to raise more wealth and power for themselves. For the long 400 years the senate held power, there were some attempts to include members of the plebian society into the senate but the old families kept their seats and wanted it to stay that way. The soldier’s of Marr began to suffer the most as the senate alienated themselves from the people they came to serve. This ignorance over the people only grew stronger when reforms were made to the Marrian military. These changes made the formidable legions of Marr that we all know for their legendary strength, discipline and ruthlessness. These changes were the Matian reforms. [b]The Matian reforms and the rise of the legions[/b] A 40 years before the fall of the senate, a drastic change was made to the Marrian military. The traditional Marrian army was made composed of the Pritarii, Hastarii, Vesilites, Audentarii,Kavantrus and the Equilites. The Pritarii were the young men and also often the poorest citizens who are allegeable to fight for Marr. They were equipped with the basic small shield and the iconic gladius short sword. They fought in the front line, expected holding their positions. Behind them fought the Hastarii who were soldiers who could afford slightly better equipment. They formed a majority of the army and broke the enemy lines when the inexperienced and under-equipped Pritarii could not do so. The last in the lines, behind every other soldier in a formation was the Vesilites. They were veteran Hastarii who have fought in numerous wars and have gained wisdom in battle. They carried two-handed spears known as “Vesiteres” and had arguably the best armor of the Marrians in the battle. They were a last resort, only needed when all else failed and were the elites of the army. The Audentarii were also young men from the poorer classes of Marr who were used as skirmishers. They were equipped with the lightest armor and basic throwing javelins. And finally there were the Equilites. They were from those who were wealthy enough to afford not only reasonably protective armor but also their personal steeds to ride upon. They could be compared to the Grecian Aristocracies who would pay for the cavalry of their city-states in return for power and prestige. In fact some of the Equilites were members of a senator’s family. Generals would often ride with Equilites after a battle has been concluded and their enemies routed. They were stationed at the flanks of the marching army and were tasked to chase and often destroy enemy skirmishers and missile troops. During those days, when Marr was threatened by her enemies, one of the two Magistrates would have the responsibility of fielding an army from the citizens who the republic who were eligible for service. Of course, not every Magistrates were capable in the art of war. There had been a few military disasters that could attest to this fact but the most was the Marrian-Cabrian war. As Marr started to expand north, an offset group from a larger tribe known as the Cabrians resisted the advancing Marrian conquerors fiercely and began to reclaim land for their own. Facing this threat was the Magistrates Tarius Valaeus Vato. With an army of roughly 35,000 men, he destroyed the Cabrian threat in the span of three years with a campaign that should have only taken a month. He and his men were then sent to the Thellesia where the king of the Nurresians, King Immartha had rebelled against Marrian rule. After two years of battle and a loss of a hundred or so men, vato was able to receive a partial victory. He drove the Nurresian rebels away from the coast and further inland but was not able to gain leverage over his enemies there. The fighting came to a standstill with both sides at a draw. Vato was able to negotiate a deal with Immartha that once again assured his loyalty and that Nurrisia would once again be a protectorate state but it would cost Marr heavily. Vato and his men were once again able to return home to Marr, unsatisfied with their victory. One of Vato’s comandanties, comandatii Lucius Mateus, ran for senate and was appointed as junior Magistrates by the second year of his election into the senate. He was then tasked with ending the second rebellion by Immartha. The army he was to command was sent to the north to deal with the reemergence of barbarian threats and he could not recruit any local citizenry because of a drought that had left the people poor which was only worsened by the rebellion. Without an army, Mateus was forced to make a number of drastic reforms to deal with Immartha and his rebel army. This came to be known as the Matian reforms in which a number of changes were quickly made to the military of Marr. The first and foremost was the recruitment of people without land or property. Since they could not afford the equipment necessary to fight, Marr would provide for them. The second was that those who fought were now paid a decantus (a Marrian silver coin) a day to fight. This effective made the legion a professional army. The third and what would become the most problematic would be that after their service of 30 years is done, a legionnaire would be given a plot of land on conquered territory. Each legion was made up of 6000 people, 1000 of whom were non-combatants. With little hope of escaping the retched lives they had, a great number of people immediately joined Matues’ legions. Soon, the legions became the standard fighting force of the Marrian republic. But trouble began to stir once more. The promise of pensions in the form of ownership over land had been avoided by the senate. The senate, many of whom are wealthy land owners themselves, began to ignore the angry cries of those who served for the lands they were promised. Once again the patricians distanced themselves from the plebeians. One senator did take notice of the plight of the plebeians. A man who would shake the very foundations of Marr and change the stagnating rules of the senate. He was the young and brilliant general, senator and politician Gaius Aurellius Maximus. [b]Maximus, the savior of Marr[/b] 50 years after the Cabrian-Marrian war, the tribes of north became restless again. The task of subduing them fell to the hands of a young Marrian senator, Gaius Aurellius Maximus. Maximus was hailed as the perfect Marrian, having all Marric traits that any self-respecting Marrian should have. He was also the nephew of Lucius Mateus, the man who made the legions as they were. Maximus first saw his chance to command when he was a commandaties in the slave revolts led by the gladiator Morus. He’s role was a minor one as he led he’s legion to destroy any rebels in the surrounding wooded area while Neros Horrasus led his legion against the main rebel army of Morus. During this time, he honed his skills of in commanding and practiced in leadership and the tactics of war. He became well acquainted to the legion under his command. He also took notice of the growing problem between the legionnaires and the senate. There was simply not enough land for the all of the legionnaires to be paid for with the land they were promised after their retirement simply because many of the patricians would never refused to give up theirs. After their 30 years of service, the legionnaires were simply forgotten by the senators. Some say Maximus saw the injustice caused to his men but others say he saw an opportunity ripe to exploit. Maximus was then sent to the north to deal with the reemergence of the northern barbarian threat and was given command of 4 more legions to end the threat permanently. After his momentous and legendary victory, Maximus was ordered to relinquish command of the legions directly under him and to return back to Marr because his term as a senator had ended. Maximus was dubious about this. He’s fellow magistrates, Valaceous Cato was also his bitter rival. A majority of the senate was on Cato’s side and Maximus thought that if he were to return back to Marr, Cato would take to opportunity to rid himself of his enemy. Maximus denied the order and marched his favored legion, the legio VI Vulleta, back with him. Cato declared Maximus a traitor and an enemy of the state. Maximus refused to back down to Cato however and continued his march to Marr. To ease tensions, Maximus sent one of his comandaties, camdatii Markus Antoneus as an envoy to the senate to negotiate with the senate. On their way to the senate’s forum however, they were attacked by an angry mob. Maximus marched his men into the city while still furious about the event. The senate quickly named Maximus Marr’s “dictatorae” which was a position held by a member of the senate to resolve Marr’s problems in times of crisis. This would be a desperate attempt to please Maximus before he threatened war. He was then sent by the senate to Alkarris to mediate the dispute between the fighting families there. Maximus under the title of dictatorae had full access to the resources in the area owned by Marr to settle the disturbance. Maximus left Antoneus in Marr to watch over the senate and report to him if the senators plotted against him again. After his successful campaign, returned back to Marr only to find out that the tribes of the Alberian peninsula have rebelled against Marr. He immediately left to settle the next trouble of Marr. After yet another successful campaign, Maximus had finally the time to return to Marr without interruptions. Without children and fearing for is death, he named his nephew Julianos Augustos his sole inheritor. Maximus was then again appointed dictatorae much to the disliking of Cato. Maximus instituted a number of great reforms that challenged the ruling patricians in the senate. Cato was greatly angered by this and plotted to usurp Maximus’ power by scheming with another senator, Caerus Paelo. Paelo was a great friend of Cato and was also dismayed at the atrocity they believed Maximus was committing. They urged the rest of the senate to declare Maximus a tyrant and abolish his role as the dictator. During one of the senate hearings, a young senator named Fabeus Scipiia brought forth the resolution to end Maximus’ position as a dictator and brand him a dictator and name him a tyrant. If Maximus was indeed branded a tyrant, all of his reforms would have been voided and nullified. Present at the hearing, Maximus used his power to drop the proposal. He used his “veto” which meant “I want” in vulgaris. Half of the senate must have sided with either for the proposal to be dropped or passed. The senate was equally divided on the issue and no action was taken. Cato left Marr and took of for Grecia after the failure at the hearing. Cato took with him a legion and prepared to fortify his position. Maximus soon caught up with him though. Before any sort of civil war could start, one of Cato’s comandaties brought Cato’s severed head to the furious Maximus. Maximus had the head hung on the doors of the senate forum. However most of the senate had been swayed by Paelo about the nature of Maximus and the decapitated head of Cato was enough to convince them. It was on the night of the summer solstice that the senate invited Maximus for a great feast in the temple of Junos. Maximus was tricked however and was stabbed to death by the senators on the front steps of the great temple. Julianos Augustus and Markus Antoneus were greatly angered by this act of betrayal and gained the support of the Marrian masses to avenge the death of Maximus. The first Marrian civil war then started. The perpetrators of the murder, Caerus Paelo and the trusted friend of Masimus himself, Vealos Brutus escaped to Grecia where Cato once did. There they were able to gain the allegiance of 4 legions while learning that Augustus and Antoneus had also prepared two legions under their command. The battle was fierce but in the end, it was Antoneus’ cunning and guile that won the battle. After a bitter struggle with Antoneus over who should rule Marr, Augustus declared himself the imperator of Marr with the title of Maximus to honor his uncle. He then abolished the power of the senate, turning them into an advisory council like in the times of old. Ever since that day the empire has held itself for over 400 years until it met its fate at the hands of the barbarian horde. ----- Welcome to Latinium, a continent on the verge of change whether peacefully or through bloodshed. (lolcopypaste)This rp is about a fictional continent known as Latinium entering it's medieval age after the old Marrian empire was brought down. However this is not a fantasy nrp and everything in Latinium will still be bound to the laws of science. So no dragons, magic or fantastical creatures (Although you could include them in your nation's culture as folklore and mythical stories and much of science back in the medieval age wasn't really that concrete so you could say some people are performing magic even though they are in reality performing scientific research and/or a lot of mumbo-jumbo bullshit). You could say that this takes place in an alternate universe that are subject to the same forces of science that we do. Humans in this universe are similar to our nature. The onlything that really changed is the history, people and geography. The rp would be a casual one which means that you have to post atleast one paragraph consisting of 5 sentences. The aim of this rp is try and make sure your nation survives by using trade, dipolomacy, religion and military might. Create pacts with your neighbor or try and conquer them. Remember, the coins in the coffers grow in number when victorious in war or successful in trade. The roleplay will be divided into three, the dark ages, high medieval and renassiance and it is going to take a lot of time before it finishes. Now for the simple mechanics of the game. After a maximum of 6 post per player, the season in the rp would change. That would keep the story line moving. If somebody wants to make more than 6 post, just ask and I'll see if that's possible. If anybody has a better game mechanic than this, just tell me right away. From time to time, I would introduce random events that may affect one or more nations. We may have to use dice rolling when we have to resolve certain issues such as wars. Other than that, I want this to be as free as possible. I want this rp to be more of a collaborative story than an actually game. Now for the rules. Well the basic guild laws and regulations should be sufficed. Swearing in the IC is fine as long as it's in context. Swearing in the OOC is also fine as long as nothing heats up and turns into a fight. If one or more parties do get into a dispute, just tell me and we'll work something out. I maybe the GM but that doesn't mean I'll be a dictator. If you find something wrong with my actions, just speak up. Now back to Latinium itself. There are several places of interest and local powers that have sprung up during the fall of the empire. They are: Marr – the ancient capital of the Marrian Empire. It was from this former small city-state that the might Marrian senate and the glorious Marrian Empire to be. It used to have magnificent structures that would amaze and beguile almost all that entered her streets. Now the city is a ghost of her former past. The once might forums and palace are now only precarious ruins set to collapse at any moment. Marrian homes are burned to the ground. The barbarian invaders sacked everything they could when they went through the city. It was recaptured the Sistric Emperor Valaceos Curro during his campaign. Romasinople -the capital of the Sistric Empire (see below). It used to be the city of Sistrus before the Marrians destroyed it during their expansion to the east. It was rebuilt by Emperor Romanistine after his campaigns to end his war with the rebellious Eastern Empire during his reign. The third meeting of the counsel of Nikea was held in the city. It is a strong fortress city which 3 layers of thick, high stone brick walls and could hold out against attackers for a month before running out of supplies. Barcelem -the spiritual home of the Kristian, Delanian and Zeonist faiths. Before the Marrian occupied the city, it belonged to Alkarris. The city was heavily fought over by the Salucid Empire and the Alkarrians. A large majority of the people in the city were of the Zeonist faith. During the Marrian occupation, a Zeonist man named Lersus Krist came to the city with his followers who were a part of a splinter cult of the Zeonist faith. For disturbing the peace, the governer of the city, Taddeus Judem had the man crucified. His followers preached his word and soon the splinter cult became a religion of its own and began to spread throughout the empire. Recently, a new faith has emerged in the city. The Delanian faith follows the teaching of their prophet, Delania and comes from the same roots as Zeonism and Kristianity. The Delanians have freed themselves from the former rulers of the land to gain independence but are now under attack from the Sistric Empire. Thebes and Androposia - the two biggest and most famous cities of Alkarris. Thebes is the legendary port city where the lighthouse of Andropis stands. While Androposia serves as the capital of the Alkarris region. A growing number of people are now turning to the Delanian faith and there are rumors that Alkarris too would revolt against the Empire, giving the Delanian rebels a fighting chance to defeat the foreign invaders. And then there are the various factions of Latinium, which are: The Sistric Empire -the eastern half of the Marrian empire that survived against the threat of the barbarian hordes and the Delanian rebels. It has a strong economy and its trade is vast and plentiful. A number of changes have been made ever since the fall of the western empire. The empire however still uses mercenaries and still has might legions at her disposal. The legions however do not use the heavy equipment so iconic of them and instead rely on lighter yet more versatile materials. The empire was involved with a war with its neighboring opponent, the Babilatian Empire 200 years before the fall of Marr. The Babilatians rebelled against the Marrians and were able to hold them off for 200 years. They followed the faith of Xelosia, a bi-theistic faith which had a benevolent and malevolent deity. 20 years before the fall of Marr, the Eastern Marrian Empire and the Babilatian Empire agreed to a ceasefire. Being both spent in a stalemate, each side would give each other 4 years to lick their wounds. A new faith however took hold in Barcelem and the Babilatians faced a revolt against the followers of the spreading Delanian religion. Soon the Babilatian Empire fell to ruin and the Eastern Marrian Empire, now the Sistric Empire, capitalized on the dismay and quickly occupied the region. The Sistirc Empire is now focused on destroying the last of the Delanian rebels and recapturing Barcelem. The Braxons -the Braxons are one of the tribes that took apart on the siege of Marr. After the battle of Marr, much of the tribe people dispersed and took off on their own. The main chieftain of the tribe however, along with some of his men and their families took off for the now undefended Brellien isles. Sensing a new opportunity for wealth and plunder, chieftain Hagrosa will test the will of all those living in Brelliena. The Celtus - an ancient tribe of the Brellien isles that were known for their ferocity and barbarity. There were accounts written by the Marrians were the Celtus would collect the heads of their enemies and would fight completely naked. It is rumored that they were to blame to the disappearance of the III legion. Emperor Darian made a great and impressive wall to keep them out of Marrian territory but now that the Marrians are gone, the Celtus are once again ready to reclaim the isles. The Fisti - the tribe that started the rebellion in which the other tribes took part of. The ruler of the tribe, Gallus comes from a line of Fisti rulers who claim they are decendants of an ancient Fisti storm god. They have recently converted to the Kristian faith however. They have feuds with a rival tribe, the Visi Roths which is possibly turning into war. The Visi Roths - another of the tribe that took part in the rebellion. When they were given the chance to become mercenaries of Marr by the last Marrian Emperor, Nato Laceus, they gladly accepted. They were on par with the legions when it came to military prowess and discipline. They remained loyal to Laceus and Marr until they were attacked by the XII legion. The legion’s comandatii mistook them for the Fisti. After they defeated the legion, they quickly joined the rebelling tribes. A recent feud with the Fisti maybe leading the Visi Roths into war. The Victariis – a tribe that took part in the rebellion. They had good reason for joining the rebellion. They were part of the Davianic tribes united by the Marrian officer, Abritus, to ambush 3 legions in the Davian forest. After the counter attacks of Devianus, they were the only tribe to come out relatively unharmed. The tribe was then forced to be nomadic because the empire hunted them down. When the Hongish invaders came to challenge the Western Marrian Empire, the empire offered the Victariis a ceasefire if they helped against the Hongish hordes. The Victariis accepted and were given pardon by the empire. After the battle, they were used as Marr as mercenaries. When the Fisti rebelled, the Victariis quickly switched sides and turned against the empire. They now work as mercenaries for the Sistric empire after being defeated by Emperor Valaceos Curro on his campaign. Delanian Rebels – followers of the Delanian religion who are now under attack from the Sistric empire. After their successful rebellion against the Babilatian Empire, they were both surprised and angered when the Sistric Empire invaded their lands. They have been pushed back to the city of Barcelem and the surrounding area. They hope that the Alkarrian people who are being steadily converted to their faith would help them against the Sistric onslaught. All of which are shown in this map below: [img=] Now here’s the Nation Sheet you need to apply for the roleplay: Name of society: (What is the name of your group) Leader of society: (Who leads your group) Ethnicity of your society: (What ethnic group do your people belong to) Type of society: (What kind of a social dynamic does your group have? Are they another northern tribe who rebelled against Marr? Are they a settlement left by Marr during the invasions? Are they a nomadic tribe who has come from some far off place?) Religion followed by your society: (What faith do your people follow. There are three main religions in this rp: *Kristianity – the official religion of the Marrian empire after it was imposed by Emperor Romanistine. It is a mono-theistic faith that follows the teachings of Lersus Krist. (Latinium equivalent of Christianity) *Delianism – A new faith that has appeared out of Barcelem. It is also a mono-theistic faith that follows the teaching of the prophet Deliania. (Latinium equivalent of Islam) *Pagan – A loose term to describe any poly-theistic. Any faith that follows a pantheon of different deities are automatically grouped here.) Capital/Central location of your group: (The name of the main settlement where your people are located) Place desired on the map: (Where do you want your people to be placed) Description and History of your society: (Write the general description, history and anything interesting you think people should learn about your group) Well, that should be all. Once an NS has been approved, I’ll update the map and post it here. Well good luck everybody and I hope you enjoy this I much as I do. Thanks again for joining.