WAR has fallen upon the World of Roulit. Six months have passed, since the relative peace between three very different kingdoms, turned to hatred and bloodshed. In one dark day, the war began. In one dark day, the kingdom of Kantle struck against both the castles of Rose and Eve simultaneously. Many lost their lives that day. Soldiers, as well as civilians, were slain mercilessly. Innocent people were terrorized and killed by those knights from Kantle. The less powerful armies of Rose and Eve were only narrowly able to defend their kingdoms and prevent Kantle's forces from overtaking them. There was no doubt about the reason behind Kantle's sudden strike. The king of Kantle was already a very powerful man, yet he is never satisfied. He has become a man twisted with desire. Desire to posses the four magic stones. Desire to use the power of the stones to become like a god among men; perhaps even a god above the gods. Though Kantle's wicked kingdom was a threat to them both, the kingdoms of Rose and Eve were anything but allies. A rift was still between them, for each of their rulers, are desirous of possessing the four magic stones as well. And in secret, they plotted, even against each other. The ruler of Eve desires to collect the stones, return the world to its proper form, and place the stones deep within the sacred tombs to be protected by the gods themselves. Yet they expected to gain great rewards from the gods by doing so, and become a blessed nation. The ruler of Rose desires to posses the stones, and use the great power to bring peace between all the people...so that they would all become more like the "good people of Rose Kingdom." The armies of Kantle were ceaseless. Every day they marched against the two kingdoms. The heavy steal boots of the vast army could be heard like a dark roar as they marched upon the sacred road. Soon, it became evident that the war was all but lost. There was but one last resort. Rose and Eve were forced to form an alliance, and together they took one last and desperate measure to stop the aggressivly advancing armies of Kantle. In the earliest hours of one day, as the first light began to grace the sky, and the silhouettes of the dark army could be seen marching up the sacred road, they struck. Three carefully timed explosions, broke apart the road, causing it to crumble rapidly, and sending the mass armies plummeting into the emptiness below, falling ceaselessly to a, no doubt, agonizing and horrible death. Finally, they believed it was over. Yet, Kantle was undaunted. For they had been laying in wait, with their next move ready. Moments after the sacred road lay broken, even as the screams of the falling soliders could still be heard, an order went out on the island of Kantle. To the soldiers, knights, and even those willing civilians, it was ordered that every immigrant found upon the island, was to be executed immediately. The innocent victims were stuck. Many people from the other kingdoms had become stranded in Kantle when the road was destroyed. Whether they were residing, visiting, or merely passing through on their way to the next island; they were all executed. They were murdered without question, or hesitation, and left to lie in the streets like dogs. Many innocents were slain, and only a very few were able to find hiding or escape. But such gruesome horrors were only the beginning of the strategy Kantle held. Seemingly unfazed by the loss of so many foot soldiers, they struck again. Without faltering, while the blood of the innocent immigrants was being spilled upon the dark streets, Kantle Knights rode out, upon a fierce fleet of wicked looking black dragons. They attacked the two kingdoms yet again. The dark king had been ready, long before the road was ever destroyed. He was prepared to let nothing stand in the way of his wicked desire. The aerial soldiers prepared by the other two kingdoms, were no match against the ferocity of the black knights. This day became known as "the Day of Night" because along with all of the horror and mourning which overshadowed that day, so was the way in which the great fleets of Kantle Knights riding upon black dragons blocked out the sun from the sky and cast a very real darkness upon the islands. In time, though they battled together with Rose, the warriors from Eve took a sudden and drastic action...they fled from the battle, and left Rose's soldiers to fight alone. This was the act of treason which finally severed the connection between those two kingdoms. Now is the time that the islands and the people have become divided. The royal ones of Rose decided that for the safety of their own people, anyone found upon the island from either of the other islands, was to be imprisoned. An order went out to the people, commanding them to stay upon their home island. Travel was no longer an option. But it didn't stop everyone. Just the same, Eve ordered that all citizens remain upon the island, and anyone from the other islands who was found, would be imprisoned, although more often than not, the warriors or even citizens would take matters too far, and those supposed to be imprisoned would end up dead. Those ones would receive a quiet burial in an unmarked grave. And though this became a common practice, the rulers of Eve seem to take little notice or concern. The armies of Eve focused their power protecting the castle, and the sacred ruins so that the gods may not be displeased. The war wages on, though Kantle has slowed in its attack. Some think that the kingdom has sacrificed too many soldiers and has had trouble finding winged mounts for their army. Yet, others feel it is just the quiet before the storm. Rumors have spread from those who were able to escape, that Kantle is readying for an attack unlike any other. People speak in hushed tones of "great flying beasts, with no heart, no lungs, and no soul" and of "the massive war chariots which need no horses to pull them, for they glide upon the air." As the rumors carried through the kingdoms, fear crept up into the hearts of all those ones. This is not a mere tale of kingdoms and wars, as so many stories which have already been told. This is the story of those ones, who lived within that time of war, a time when hope was more valuable than all else. Now let their stories begin.