Darkness. That pretty much summed up the area all participants, past and present, arrived to receive a brief run down of what they were in for before they were thrust into the tournament. The first arrival of the fifth installment, a tall white curly-haired man in extravagant clothing who was currently hacking out a lung, was no exception. "Good grief..." The Doctor hacked out, his eyes shut "Perhaps we should try to fix something on the console that expels less smoke, eh Jo?" The Doctor paused, clearly expecting a response. He cracked open his eyes when he received none. "Jo? If you're not talking to me because I ate your lunch, I promise I'll-" The Time Lord paused, surveying his surroundings cautiously. This was definitely not UNIT HQ, nor anywhere else he had ever visited in his travels. "Jo? Brigadier? Benton?" The Doctor called out, scratching his head in confusion "Maybe I did fix the TARDIS console...?" [b]"I think not Doctor,"[/b] Boomed a loud voice, causing the well dressed alien to jump a little [b]you've simply been...Selected as it were."[/b] "Great balls of fire..." The Doctor gasped out in surprise "Who are you, and what have you done with my assistant?!" [b]"Worry not Doctor,"[/b] The voice explained [b]"Ms. Grant is perfectly safe back in her own realm. Just allow me a moment to explain."[/b] The Doctor sighed and nodded hesitantly. [b]"Very good,"[/b] The voice boomed [b]"you have been chosen to participate in a fighting tournament, one that has been taking place for the past four years...I have seen you're work Doctor, and I feel you could bring a refreshing change of pace to the tournament scene.[/b] "A fighting tournament..." The Doctor pondered, stroking his chin somewhat "and if I refuse?" [b]"I've made it a personal rule to send home all participants safely,"[/b] The Voice mused, a teasing tone in his voice [b]"there is no rule stating I had to send home non participants however."[/b] The Doctor wracked his brain for a way out, a way home, but it was clear this being had him under his control, for now atleast. "You make a compelling argument," The Doctor admitted "very well, I'll participate." [b]"Excellent!"[/b] The Voice exclaimed, clearly exuberant [b]"All that's left now is to send you to the Battlefield...Now!"[/b] Without warning, The Doctor was engulfed in a bright light, contrasting the room he had spent the room he had just spent the past while he was in. Once he recovered from his temporary blindness, he found himself in a grassy meadow that spanned as far as the eye could see. There were doors of various shapes, materials, and sizes dotted about, which only made him curious. He made a mental note to visit them when he had the chance. "It's quite peaceful here," The Doctor mused "a shame it will be polluted by war and violence very soon..."