[b]Name:[/b] Jameson Aldous Deschain [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age: 21[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] Jameson has led many small groups of friends throughout his life, and has always been a social creature. Though more extroverted in his younger days, he still finds himself more often in company than alone. He is quick to anger, though also quick to calm. He is a only child, and is unusually proud of the Deschain lineage, including his father, James. Pre-End the young Jameson was deeply committed to a young girl, and her apparent death has deeply scarred Jameson. He has become more reserved and withdrawn, and though still merciful, he has learned the Law of the Jungle in these troubled times. He is a man who tries to show kindness only where it is convenient, though he still wrestles with his humanity. [b]Physical Description:[/b] James stands at a solid five ten, and would be described as medium in build. Before the collapse, he was often told he looked extremely close to Harry Potter, and age has only complimented this. Unfortunately, like Harry Potter, Jameson is near blind without his glasses, and is severely disadvantaged without them. He is only barely above average in strength and endurance, and these traits have only recently culminated after the collapse. He has fairly long hair that would remind one of a rebellious adolescent, and it is the color of deep oak. He appears to wear a military jacket at all times, belonging to his father and only slightly too big for him. He has a near constant five o’clock shadow, and usually has a cigarette placed in the corner of his mouth. [b]Background[/b] Jameson seems haunted by the numerous deaths of his friends and family, and this very well could be the reason why he is slow to warm to people in this brave new world. Little is known of him, besides the only two surviving members of his previous group; Jacob and Ryan. What little details his two surviving friends will share paint a picture of blood. They had originated in Wyoming, and during the progressive breakdown of the United States, his group had slowly become more militant, aiding in protests against their corrupt government. Back then they had numbered nearly thirty or forty strong. Though details are scarce as to what exactly caused the internal civil war among his militia, it is clear brother killed brother, and the majority of the group lay dead, with the few survivors breaking away and being cast into the wind. The fiancé of Jameson did seem to survive the slaughter, and convinced him to head to Michigan, where her family still lived. They began their long trek across the United States right as the last of the chaos began to die down, but it was somewhere in Michigan that his fiancée and his group were separated, during a particularly fierce gunfight with bandits. He had told her to run and hide, and never saw her again. Now having reached Detroit, and having picked up a few more survivors to replenish their numbers, Jameson hopes to settle the ruined town and carve out a small piece of Civilization in this dark world. [b]Gear[/b] [hider=Clothes] -Black combat boots with lightning bolts etched into the sides of them -White-washed sky blue denim jeans with large holes in the knees. -A torn and tattered blue shirt with a smiling picture of Mickey Mouse on it. -Fingerless brown leather gloves. -A black sagging beanie. [/hider] [hider=Weapons] -A variant M16 rifle with a high powered scope. -Colt 911 -Sharpened Gladius [/hider] [hider=Miscellaneous] -3L Canteen -Gas Mask -Map of the Old U.S. -Matches -Sewing Kit -Flint and Steel -Cigarettes -Small glass pipe named Seastar. -Black paracord bracelet [/hider]