[quote=Strawberry425] Hmmm I read on your previous post we had a limit of four characters...so I would ike to reserve Mikasa and Levi from Attack on Titan, as well as Sora from Kingdom Hearts and Link from Legend of Zelda. I ask to reserve since I am presently on mobile and just writing this post has taken me roughly ten mins. I should have the CSs up by tomorrow EST time though.Though I do have a quick question. Korra from the LOK series appeared in a a flash game online...would that count... as I would switch her in a heartbeat if it did. Of course unlike the characfers I listed above she's never appeared in a console game...EDIT: Le sigh...Please excuse the typos. My phone just loves proving its incompatability with guild >.> [/quote] First of all, yeah doing this stuff on a phone is no easy feat. Secondly, yes I can reserve those characters for you. Lastly, I can accept Korra, though for future reference I'll only accept flash game based off cartoons characters if they really fit the SSB feel. That is all.