I decided to go with only one character Name: Sel Son Age: 23 Transformation: Greater yellow-headed vulture (A.K.A. "Forest vulture") Appearance (while human): Sel is rather tall, and has angular features. His hair is a flamboyant yellow with flecks of red, which stands in contrast to his black, beady eyes that stare at almost everyone with a look of contempt. Personality: Sel is silent, serious, and not usually kind. He has a very strong sense of self-preservation and the preservation of those around him, and will satisfy this sense through any means he can. He is not necessarily selfish, but he feels the need to do what he must to insure him and his loved ones live. If he had the ability, he would quickly become a thief or assassin. At best he is a protector, risking his life to defend his friends and family. At worst he is a thief and liar, praying on the weak and defenseless. He was at one point friendly and sociable, but his life and hardships have pushed him into a sort of internal hiding place. History: Sel was born into a family of ten, consisting of six sisters, two brothers, and a Mother and Father. He was raised in a farm on the outskirts of Gandryll His childhood was happy, filled with sweet candies and fond memories, but when Sel was nineteen his Mother suffered a heart attack and passed away. Sel's Father mourned for his wife for months before committing a grief-driven suicide at the age of forty-eight- when Sel was twenty. Being the youngest of his Siblings (and his parents being farmers), his inheritance was unfortunately small, but it was enough to get him out of the country side and into the "big city" Upon arriving in the Capitol of Gandryll, Sel almost immediately fell into poverty. He didn't know what he had been expecting, coming there alone and with little money, but he guessed he had just assumed that all the people in the Capitol were rich and lived in mansions. Those were the kinda stories you heard growing up on the country side, anyway. He spent what money he had left of the inheritance on a "room for rent" in someone else's house, but it was only a matter of time until he got kicked out for not being able to pay the gigantic monthly fee. When he did run out of money and was evicted from the small home, he tried getting a job but nobody would hire him, as his only real skill was farming, and he was much to clumsy for sneaking into someone's house to steal. He regretted coming to the Capitol at all, he had started to starve and he was sure to die within a few weeks if someone didn't take pity on him. He couldn't read or write to send a letter back to his siblings, and he didn't have any skills useful in organized crime. He was alone and certain to die. Some of the wealthy, noble families of Gandryll have the odd tradition of burying their deceased loved ones with jewels, gems, and valuable personal belongings. He wasn't quite sure where he had gotten the idea from, but at one point he realized it would be easy to sneak into a grave yard at night and steal from the bodies. He knew robbing the graves was probably wrong, but he was hungry and it's not like the corpses needed silver and gold. He would have even killed them himself if he had the right tools and talents. He got into the habit of going for recently buried dead, since grass wouldn't have grown over the grave yet and the graves would look more or less the same as before he dug them up. After robbing a grave he would go and make a pretty penny off the gems, but it still wasn't enough to buy him a home. Most the time the "important" people's graves were guarded, making the opportunity rare. Soon word got around that someone was robbing graves. The number of grave guards and graves guarded more than tripled. He tried robbing the graves a few more times but always got caught and had to flee. He was back to begging. He tried to beg for a while, but nobody cared to spare any money or food for him. And he couldn't convince anyone to take him in for a while until he "got back on his feet". He only had a few weeks left before starvation, he was sure. At one point, on the brink of death, he revisited the graveyard hoping that maybe, just maybe, there would be an unguarded grave. There was. He gave thanks to the gods and practically ran to the Noble's resting place and started to dig it up with his hands (he had to sell his shovel for some bread), so it took him hours and hours for the coffin to finally reveal itself. It was empty, and was starving. There was nothing valuable on the corpse. He started to cry, he was so hungry and new that he only had a few days left before he passed away. He wasn't sure how it happened, but he was suddenly tearing into the flesh of the dead noble woman and eating it. He would of been disgusted had he not been so hungry, and had the body not suddenly developed such an appetizing scent. As he was eating the body, he quickly forgot who he was, what he was doing, and that he was ever a human at all. His human intelligence was replaced with vulture instinct. He heard a shout from behind him, and turned to see a guard running in his direction (not the he knew what a guard was any more, just that a larger animal was approaching him and yelling). He took off into the skies and flew towards the forest, where he lived for weeks flying on air currents and feeding on carrion cut open by larger animals. He slowly but surely started remembering who he was and regaining his internal and external humanity. Once he managed to fully transform into a human again, he tried to go back to the city and possibly forget the whole thing ever happened, but upon approaching the gates of the city he was stopped by someone named Avalon. Avalon explained to him that he knew what Sel was, and could help him control it. Sel couldn't really say no, as he hoped this would help him get a better life. Strengths and Weaknesses: Strenghts: -A strong flyer while transformed -Strong sense of smell -Good eyesight -Strategic mind -Cunning Weaknesses: -No real skills -Physically weak -Irresponsible -Distrusts nobles, royalty, government, and the rich -Not booksmart -Has trouble ignoring his animal instincts when transformed Other: -He loves flying -He wants to learn to read and write