Yobi sighed as she tore off a bit of her clothing. With a little effort, she got him all bandaged up. She would have liked the ability to heal him a little more completely, but she didn't. The fact that she managed to help him, though, was a big boost in confidence. Maybe Desna just didn't want her fighting. If that was the case, she'd just have to try not to do so in the future...if at all possible. "I know you're all kind of busy, but...he kind of needs some help here. I've at least stopped the bleeding, but I can't do any better than that." She stood up and looked at the others. The one looked like he might have some herbs or something to make the pain a little more bearable, but that didn't mean much. The rat-lady might, but in her current state, there was no way she was going to be able to do anything useful. The only one left was the timid girl who was talking to Aldern. She probably couldn't do anything useful. She was too...clean. But there was a chance. She did summon fog earlier, so she did have some magic. With any luck, she may be able to do some healing. "You look like you might be able to. He's looking kind of...hurt. A bit. Like...on the ground, not moving. Much, at least. Not that I saw. Any chance you've got a potion or spell that could help him? Or some kind of divine intervention type deal?"