For a good hour Hoffman drove, he didn't know where he even was, but for all that happened, he couldn't give a damn, he jut wanted to run far from that monster. His situation would soon become much worse then it is, as the car slowed down as it soon came to a halt as the gas tank became empty. "" He mumbled to himself. "Shit..." He had no choice but to continue his aimless trek on foot, and stepped out of the car, he checked the back to gather any things necessary for the journey, and most importantly, the artifact, however...."Goddamnit!" He shouted out in great frustration and anger. "It's gone! Where the hell is it?!?!?!" He rumbled through the back of the car for that one chance if it was hidden under the seats. He came to the terrible conclusion that it may have fell right after he escaped. "Just. My. Fucking. Luck." He said grimly. "I hate this planet o much right now.." It looked to be the wort day in his life pretty much, perhaps his last. As far as he knew, he was pretty much lost, no Colonial Settlement for miles. "I give up.." Hoffman just fell on hi back as he stared out into the early morning sun. As soon as he lost hope, Hoffman heard the rumbling sound of a car heading his direction. "Already the madness has seeped it's way into my can't possibly be.." He took the chance and looked to the direction of the noise, and to his amazement, a car was quickly approaching him. "Well I'll be damned.."