Remi opened her mouth to speak up against giving Yakoul--of all things--alcohol. But she stopped when she heard the captivating voice of Ra. To most, it was no secret that the girl found Ra interesting at the very least. While she couldn't grasp the finer details of a well placed look or a subtle shift of the feet and their meanings, Ra was perfect at it. She was convinced that the advisor could probably send an army into a suicidal frenzy with just a look and a few words. Her focus shifted from the banter to the woman as she attempted to take in every movement, look, and gesture. She tried to match them to the ones in the books she'd read a few days ago, but most of the woman's indicators were just missing to her. Not hidden, just gone. She hastily busied herself with her hornets when her pheromones whipped them into a frenzy. She hoped Yakoul wasn't paying much attention to her...the monster wouldn't let her live this down...ever.