Standing in that big room surrounded by those she had trained with for the past four plus years a slight twinge of pain hit her at the realization that this really was the end. After this moment they would decide where they were going to spend the rest of their lives at and how their lives would potentially end. Depressing really, how this choice would determine whether they lived to be a hundred or if they’ll die a traumatic and sudden death. Death was death it really was the same, but life was different. As the cadets slowly bridged apart from each other hesitating and a few directions before finally choosing one, or some directly speeding to the one they already decided. Of course a few stayed planted in their spot, just like Dia. She wondered if they were considering the same thing as she, Survey Corps. It was something Dia wanted since she was a child, the soldier’s stories and tools looked glamorous to her at first but then she realized the deeper meaning. He knew what it was truly like to be alive, he fought for his life and the lives of those he cared about he got to go as far as his body would take him and see the nature of good and evil. [b][i]“A life of fear and boundaries was not worth living.”[/i][/b] He would say and Dia agreed. So she began walking over to the Survey Corps representative with a small smile upon her face, very different than the looks of fear and general hopelessness on who would be her potential teammates. She was scared too; terrified even as her body trembled. Dia looked at their squad leader, she looked relatively normal. Her eyes didn’t show that she was a complete monster or dead on the inside, like idiotic civilians claimed Survey Corps members were all her life. It was true that she’d seen things, done things and her aura of lax and at easiness reminded her of the soldier’s behavior. When she wanted them to socialize with each other Dia automatically complied about to turn to the person next to her when Squad Leader put down a boy in front of her. No one else seemed to understand but she did, at least she thought she did. Dia was glad she wouldn’t be the first person to defend Penny’s actions but she thought the girl was only half right. Dia stepped out of the crowd and stood next to the redheaded boy, [b]“No, what you all fail to realize is that she is trying to get us to live in the now. Life, especially for most Survey Corps members according to data, is too short. We don’t have time for bullshit introductions and formalities. No time for hesitation and nerves, we have to be direct take action on moment’s notice. If you don’t you will die or someone you care about will die. At least that’s what I think the Survey Corps is about.”[/b]